Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section OBSERVATIONS OF R CORONAE BOREALIS [Last update: 1999 August 24] R Coronae Borealis: R.A. = 15h48m34s, Decl. = +28o09'.4" (J2000.0) Observations (visual) since July 1, 1999: ------------------------------------------------------------------- YYYY MM DD.DDD OBSERVATIONS MAG CL INSTRUM. OBSERVER ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999 07 02.97 A-4;E+5 6.0 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 07 09.96 A-4;E+5 6.0 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 07 23.01 A-7;E+2 6.3 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 07 26.95 A-7;E+2 6.3 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 07 28.00 A-9;E=V 6.5 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 07 28.91 A-9;E=V;G+8 6.5 2 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 01.02 E-2;G+5 6.7 2 L70;24x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 04.96 E-5;G+5 6.9 1 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 06.97 E-6;G+4 7.0 1 B10x50 Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 07.94 E-7;G+3 7.1 1 C203;123x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 12.94 G-6;J=V 7.9 1 C203;80x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 13.92 G-7;J=V;L+5 8.0 1 C203;80x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 18.95 P-3;R+1 9.9 2 C203;80x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 19.96 R-2;S+2 10.5 2 C203;80x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 22.90 S-7;T+2 11.1 2 C203;80x Granslo, B. H. 1999 08 23.90 T-4;U+3 11.5 2 C203;100x Granslo, B. H. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time system is year, number of month and date with decimals in U.T. Observations are Pogson step estimates. Magnitudes are derived from these estimates by using the sequence below. CL = class: estimated accuracy of observation; 1 = good, 2 = fair, 3 = poor. Instrument (type, aperture in mm and magnification): C = catadioptric telescope (SCT), L = refractor, B= binoculars. Identifications and visual magnitudes of comparison stars are from BAA.VSS. --- Observations in VSNET format: CRBR 990702.97 60 GRL (B. H. Granslo, Fjellhamar, Norway) CRBR 990709.96 60 GRL CRBR 990723.01 63 GRL CRBR 990726.95 63 GRL CRBR 990728.00 65 GRL CRBR 990728.91 65 GRL CRBR 990801.02 67 GRL CRBR 990804.96 69 GRL CRBR 990806.97 70 GRL CRBR 990807.94 71 GRL CRBR 990812.94 79 GRL CRBR 990813.92 80 GRL CRBR 990818.95 99 GRL CRBR 990819.96 105 GRL CRBR 990822.90 111 GRL CRBR 990823.90 115 GRL