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[vsnet-obs 22557] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for August 23, 1999
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : moon and later clouds
             (just back from my succesful eclipse-trip to Hungary)  

Star      Date UT         Mag    code

CRBR      990823.832      11.2   CMG
CRBS      990823.83       11.5   CMG
CRBT      990823.832      10.2   CMG
CRBV      990823.83       10.0   CMG
CRBX      990823.83        9.7   CMG
CRBW      990823.83       11.1   CMG
UMAR      990823.83       11.9   CMG
UMAS      990823.83        8.3   CMG
UMAT      990823.83       13.1   CMG
UMAZ      990823.83        7.5   CMG  10x50 finder
BOOV      990823.84        8.3   CMG
BOOR      990823.84        9.0   CMG
BOORT     990823.84       12.2   CMG
BOORR     990823.84        9.0   CMG
BOOS      990823.84       13.1   CMG
LYRW      990823.84        8.6   CMG
LYRRS     990823.84       12.1   CMG
LYRU      990823.84       11.5   CMG through thin cloud
HERT      990823.84        8.9   CMG
HERRS     990823.84       12.5   CMG
HERSY     990823.84       10.7   CMG
HERRT     990823.84       12.6   CMG
HERAH     990823.853      13.3   CMG
HERR      990823.85        9.7   CMG
HERU      990823.85       10.8   CMG

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