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[vsnet-obs 22496] Observations - August 21/22 (RMQ) and corr.

  Observations - August 21/22 (RMQ)

  Observer   : Maciej Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland (AAVSO code: RMQ)
  Instruments: 20x60 binoc. , 
  Conditions : Clear, short breaks
  AAVSO seq.

AQRRR         19990821.84     96  RMQ   
AURTU         19990822.08     85  RMQ   
AURTW         19990822.08     84  RMQ   
DELU          19990821.84     74  RMQ   
DELX          19990821.84     89  RMQ   
DELRS         19990821.84     80  RMQ   
DELCT         19990821.84     76  RMQ   
DELCZ         19990821.84     83  RMQ   
DELEU         19990821.84     62  RMQ   
DELKP         19990821.84     86  RMQ   
DELLU         19990821.84     65  RMQ   
GEMR          19990822.08     70  RMQ   
GEMIS         19990822.08     60  RMQ   
GEMNQ         19990822.08     77  RMQ   
ORIW          19990822.08     60  RMQ   
ORIRT         19990822.08     82  RMQ   
ORIBN         19990822.08     95: RMQ   
ORICK         19990822.08     64  RMQ   
ORIDH         19990822.08     91  RMQ   
ORIFU         19990822.08     95  RMQ   
ORIFX         19990822.08     86  RMQ   
ORIKX         19990822.08     76  RMQ   
ORILP         19990822.08     86  RMQ   
ORINU         19990822.08     72  RMQ   
ORIV351       19990822.08     91  RMQ   
ORIV352       19990822.08     85: RMQ   
ORIV361       19990822.08     83  RMQ   
ORIV430       19990822.08     86  RMQ   
ORIalpha      19990822.08     03  RMQ   
ORIomicron2   19990822.08     46  RMQ   
LEPRX         19990822.08     63  RMQ   
MONAX         19990822.08     75  RMQ   
PEGRU         19990821.844   101  RMQ   bright, active
PEGAG         19990821.845    88  RMQ   
PEGQY         19990821.84     87  RMQ   
TAUR          19990822.08     77  RMQ   
TAUT          19990822.08    102  RMQ   
TAUY          19990822.08     75  RMQ   
TAUBU         19990822.08     52  RMQ   
TAUCE         19990822.08     47  RMQ   
VULV          19990821.84     93  RMQ   
VULRU         19990821.84     93  RMQ   


>VULV         19990820.96     81  RMQ   
should be:
VULV         19990820.96     90  RMQ   

| Maciej Reszelski                                         
| Al. 1-go Maja 29/4                                       
| 64500 Szamotuly                                          
| Poland                                                   
| e-mail:                                                  
| macres@poczta.onet.pl         (Home)                     
| macres@hoth.amu.edu.pl        (Institute of Physics)     
| macres@juno.astro.amu.edu.pl  (Poznan Univ. Observatory) 
| www:                                                     
| Observations: http://republika.pl/macres            
| Homepage:     http://juno.astro.amu.edu.pl/~macres       

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