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[vsnet-obs 22268] MIRA Obs. 12 aug. 1999 (DPA)

Obs.  : Alfons Diepvens, Balen, Belgium
Instr.: 15cm f/15 refractor
Internet :alfons.diepvens@ping.be

Observations for 12 Aug. 1999

 star        date [UT]       magn.        Observer
 ----        ---------       -----        --------

SS Cyg        990812.913     11.7         DPA

Mira 's
X And         990812.917      9.9         DPA
UW And        990812.921     11.0         DPA
VX And        990812.921      9.0         DPA
T And         990812.923      9.1         DPA
R And         990812.926      8.6         DPA
TU And        990812.928     11.1         DPA
YZ And        990812.930     10.6         DPA
V And         990812.935    <13.9         DPA
RR And        990812.936    <14.2         DPA
RW And        990812.938     13.4         DPA
TX And        990812.941     12.0         DPA
W And         990812.944      8.4         DPA
U And         990812.945     13.3         DPA
UZ And        990812.949     13.4         DPA
R Ari         990812.951      8.8         DPA
V Boo         990812.883      8.3         DPA
R Boo         990812.885      9.3         DPA
RR Boo        990812.886      9.2         DPA
RT Boo        990812.888     12.1         DPA
R Cas         990812.881      7.0         DPA
SS Cas        990812.916     10.5         DPA
IW Cas        990812.919      9.0         DPA
T Cas         990812.924     11.5         DPA
UW Cas        990812.930    <14.5         DPA
RV Cas        990812.935     12.7         DPA
W Cas         990812.944     10.3         DPA
V667 Cas      990812.944     10.5         DPA
S CrB         990812.887     11.8         DPA
X CrB         990812.893      9.8         DPA
V CrB         990812.894     10.2         DPA
W CrB         990812.902     10.2         DPA
DN Her        990812.897     12.6         DPA
R Her         990812.899      9.7         DPA
RU Her        990812.899     10.6         DPA
VV Her        990812.900     11.1         DPA
NP Her        990812.901     11.0         DPA
U Her         990812.902     11.1         DPA
S Ser         990812.890      9.8         DPA
U Ser         990812.896     12.6         DPA
S Tri         990812.947     10.2         DPA
R Tri         990812.949      7.3         DPA
S UMa         990812.881      8.1         DPA
U UMi         990812.882     11.7         DPA
S UMi         990812.890      8.7         DPA

V1493 Aql     990812.916     12.7         DPA

R CrB         990812.906      7.8         DPA
AX Per        990812.916     11.6         DPA

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