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[vsnet-obs 22167] Observations August 4+5

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77               or: rjbouma@planet.nl
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands           phone: +31 (0)50-5418227
Variable star observations for August 4+5.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU)
Instruments: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector and 7x50B.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.

Object    date            magn.  code  remarks

CRBR      990804.881       6.9   BMU   seq. H/T
CRBT      990805.914      10.4   BMU
CRBR      990805.915       7.0   BMU   seq. H/T
OPHRS     990805.915      11.7   BMU
SCTR      990805.916       5.7   BMU
AQLV1493  990805.918      12.9   BMU
VULPU     990805.932      11.7   BMU
SGEV      990805.933      12.3   BMU
CYGSS     990805.934      11.7   BMU
CYGV482   990805.936      10.9   BMU
CYGCH     990805.938       8.3   BMU
ANDRX     990805.940      11.8   BMU
UMIZ      990805.942      13.1   BMU
CAMZ      990805.944      10.5   BMU
CAST      990805.94       11.8   BMU
CASV723   990805.947      13.4   BMU
PERDY     990805.950      10.9   BMU
PERY      990805.95        9.5   BMU
PERGK     990805.953      13.2   BMU
PEGRU     990805.956      12.7   BMU
CEPAE     990805.96       13.4   BMU   seq. GSC
HERW      990805.96       11.8   BMU
HERU      990805.97       11.3   BMU
HERRS     990805.97       12.1   BMU
HERSY     990805.97       12.2   BMU
HERT      990805.97        7.6   BMU
HERTV     990805.98       12.3   BMU
HERS      990805.98       11.0   BMU

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