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[vsnet-obs 21722] MIRA Obs. 16-17 July 1999 (DPA)

Obs.  : Alfons Diepvens, Balen, Belgium
Instr.: 15cm f/15 refractor
Internet :alfons.diepvens@ping.be

Observations for 16-17 July 1999

 star        date [UT]       magn.        Observer
 ----        ---------       -----        --------

SS Cyg        990716.883     10.4         DPA

Mira 's
YZ And        990717.017     10.3         DPA
Y And         990717.028    <13.9         DPA
W And         990717.042     10.8         DPA
CQ And        990717.048     12.3         DPA
AX And        990717.050    <13.7         DPA
R Aql         990716.935      9.7         DPA
TY Aql        990716.942     10.6         DPA
W Aql         990716.931     11.2         DPA
RV Aql        990716.992      9.9         DPA
GX Aql        990717.010     11.4         DPA
GY Aql        990717.009     11.0         DPA
V553 Aql      990717.005     12.7         DPA
X Aql         990716.999     12.7         DPA
RR Aql        990717.006     10.7         DPA
RS Aql        990717.007     12.4         DPA
R Ari         990717.041      9.8         DPA
AU Aur        990717.072     12.0         DPA
TV Aur        990717.069      9.4         DPA
R Aur         990717.069      9.5         DPA
T Cam         990717.067      9.9         DPA
X Cam         990717.065     12.5         DPA
S Cam         990717.067     10.6         DPA
NSV 1020 Cas  990717.019    <13.9         DPA
VZ Cas        990717.024     13.7         DPA
X Cas         990717.031     12.3         DPA
V666 Cas      990717.032     12.6         DPA
V667 Cas      990717.021     11.4         DPA
Z Cep         990717.048     11.3         DPA
RR Cep        990717.039     13.1         DPA
DW Cyg        990716.981    <14.4         DPA
FL Cyg        990716.985     12.5         DPA
DD Cyg        990716.983     10.4         DPA
TY Cyg        990716.989     12.4         DPA
HM Cyg        990716.985     12.7         DPA
EH Cyg        990716.990     10.9         DPA
BG Cyg        990716.990     12.1         DPA
FU Cyg        990716.992    <14.2         DPA
V686 Cyg      990716.997     14.2         DPA
Chi Cyg       990717.010     12.9         DPA
IZ Cyg        990717.010     12.0         DPA
PX Cyg        990717.015     12.8         DPA
QZ Cyg        990717.013     11.0         DPA
RZ Cyg        990716.964     10.6         DPA
V Dra         990716.893     10.7         DPA
W Dra         990716.897     11.2         DPA
X Dra         990716.896     11.4         DPA
RT Dra        990716.919     11.9         DPA
U Dra         990716.949     11.4         DPA
RV Her        990716.903     12.9         DPA
SY Her        990716.903     12.8         DPA
RT Her        990716.887     10.9         DPA
RS Her        990716.888     11.1         DPA
UZ Her        990716.909     13.0         DPA
SU Her        990716.909     13.1         DPA
FU Her        990716.910     12.9         DPA
RY Her        990716.892     11.2         DPA
WY Her        990716.916     11.1         DPA
DE Her        990716.893     11.8         DPA
DF Her        990716.894     10.5         DPA
XZ Her        990716.900     12.9         DPA
T Her         990716.899      7.9         DPA
TV Her        990716.900     11.2         DPA
AZ Her        990716.919     11.7         DPA
SV Her        990716.924     13.8         DPA
RZ Her        990716.921     10.4         DPA
AE Her        990716.926     10.4         DPA
W Lyr         990716.902      7.9         DPA
AO Lyr        990716.900     13.6:                      DPA
TW Lyr        990716.921     11.0         DPA
CE Lyr        990716.922     13.4         DPA
RX Lyr        990716.928     14.3         DPA
Z Lyr         990716.930     13.9         DPA
WZ Lyr        990716.931     10.7         DPA
UU Lyr        990716.937    <14.2         DPA
AB Lyr        990716.936     11.5         DPA
TY Lyr        990716.947     11.5         DPA
FK Lyr        990716.944     11.5         DPA
ST Lyr        990716.933     11.3         DPA
UW Lyr        990716.935     11.7         DPA
EL Lyr        990716.942     14.3         DPA
RU Lyr        990716.947     11.0         DPA
SS Lyr        990716.907     13.2         DPA
U Lyr         990716.978     12.1         DPA
AN Lyr        990716.944     13.4         DPA
UX And        990717.049      8.9         DPA
V759 Oph      990716.907     12.9         DPA
VW Oph        990716.907     11.1         DPA
RU Oph        990716.893     11.7         DPA
RY Oph        990716.903      9.3         DPA
V450 Oph      990716.902     12.5         DPA
RZ Per        990717.027    <14.0         DPA
U Per         990717.033      8.2         DPA
S Per         990717.042     10.2         DPA
RR Per        990717.044     14.3         DPA
TV Per        990717.052     12.0         DPA
AI Per        990717.056     12.0         DPA
W Per         990717.053     10.3         DPA
Y Per         990717.060      9.3         DPA
R Per         990717.062     12.5         DPA
W Sge         990716.976      9.3         DPA
T Sge         990716.977      9.5         DPA
Z Tri         990717.040     12.4         DPA
S Tri         990717.044     10.4         DPA
R Tri         990717.044      6.2         DPA

N Aql 99      990716.881     10.8         DPA
GK Per        990717.063     12.7         DPA
HM Sge        990716.992     11.2         DPA

UY And        990717.051     10.3         DPA
AA Cas        990717.019      8.4         DPA
BL Her        990716.892     10.3         DPA
MV Lyr        990716.933     12.8         DPA
AX Per        990717.044     11.7         DPA
EO Per        990717.056     11.8         DPA
ZZ Per        990717.055      9.7         DPA

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