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[vsnet-obs 21540] OW Aql

I have checked the situation regarding GSC 1615 0966 = OW Aql (?) in my
copy of Vehrenberg's Atlas Stellarum. The chart of 19h40m+10, taken
August 6 1967, shows this star at about mpg 11, but on the chart of
19h40+20, taken August 17 1971, it is missing. The variable is rather
close to the edge of the field, and the latter chart does not go very
far beyond mpg 11 there, but it suggests strongly that there is NO mag
10 foreground star missing on the AAVSO f-chart, but that indeed OW Aql
is identical to GSC 1615 0966.

The real source of the confusion may be the period of 194 days given in
the GCVS.
This undoubtedly is totally and utterly wrong, because Mark's
observations show it already near magnitude 10 for almost 3 months,
almost half the proposed period.
It is very likely that this very red variable of spectral type N has a
much longer period, maybe 2 (or 3?) times 194 days.

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77               or: rjbouma@planet.nl
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands           phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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