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[vsnet-obs 21322] V382 Vel (Nova 1999): June 21, 22 UT

   *** 1040-51 V382 Velorum (Nova 1999): Observations June 21 and June 22 UT***

      Time: 1999 June 21.259 UT.  Mv=7.2   (Class 1) Estimate: "687"-3; "688"-3; "752"+1; "732"+3
      Time: 1999 June 22.256 UT.  Mv=7.2   (Class 1) Estimate: "687"-4; "688"-3; "732"+1

       Sequence: Tycho (NAS.VSS chart)
       Instrument: B9x63

     My final observations of this nova  (going to Europe for a month).

                  Best regards,
                  Haakon Dahle.

                  Observations in VSNET format:

               VELV382  990621.259  72  DAH  H.Dahle (Honolulu, HI, USA)
               VELV382  990622.256  72  DAH  H.Dahle (Honolulu, HI, USA)

| Håkon Dahle, PhD student | Tel:  (808) 956-7049 (work)           |
| Institute for Astronomy  |       (808) 988-0535 (home)           |
| University of Hawaii     | Fax:  (808) 956-9590                  |
| 2680 Woodlawn Drive      | e-mail: dahle@galileo.ifa.hawaii.edu  | 
| Honolulu, HI 96822 USA   | URL: http://vsnet.ifa.hawaii.edu/~dahle |


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