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[vsnet-obs 21202] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for June 17, 1999
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : clear with twilight; "grey nights"

Star      Date UT          Mag   code

CRBR      990617.001       6.0   CMG  10x50 finder
CRBT      990617.001      10.1   CMG
PEGV      990617.00       14.4   CMG
PEGRW     990617.00       10.2   CMG
PEGRV     990617.00       12.7   CMG
ANDU      990617.00       11.4   CMG
ANDRX     990617.017      11.6   CMG
PERS      990617.02       10.4   CMG
PERT      990617.02        8.9   CMG
PERU      990617.02        8.7   CMG
PERDY     990617.022      11.2   CMG
AQRT      990617.02       11.8   CMG
AQRRW     990617.02       10.1   CMG
AQRW      990617.02       10.8   CMG
AQRY      990617.02       13.1   CMG
AQRRS     990617.03       11.0   CMG
AQRRR     990617.03       11.4   CMG
CYGV482   990617.030      11.0   CMG

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