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[vsnet-obs 20182] Observations April 17

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77            phone: +31 (0)50-5418227
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands
Variable star observations for April 17.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU)
Instruments: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector and 10x50B.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.

Object    date            magn.  code  remarks

CAMZ      990417.896      12.9   BMU
PERGK     990417.898      11.7   BMU
CASV723   990417.899      12.8   BMU
UMAER     990417.901      13.0   BMU
LEOR      990417.92        8.6   BMU
AURR      990417.92        9.6   BMU
CRBR      990417.929       6.3   BMU   seq H/T
CVNR      990417.93       12.0   BMU
CYGSS     990417.933      11.7   BMU
CYGV482   990417.934      10.9   BMU

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