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[vsnet-obs 18785] Re: S obs of 8/1/99


there is a mistake in my report of 8/1/99

CRUBI   990108.92   111   MLF
 must be 
CRUBP   990108.92   111   MLF


>>> Berto Monard <lagmonar@csir.co.za> 01/09 1:10 AM >>>
Visual observations of 8 January 1999
observer: Berto Monard  MLF, Pretoria, South Africa
instruments: 32cm /f4.8 Newtonian
conditions: clear sky


HYAEX   990108.93   130   MLF
CENBV   990108.94   129   MLF
CRUBI   990108.92   111   MLF

MUSNOVA1998   990108.93   119   MLF  

CRUBI   990108.9   120   MLF

ANTUX   990108.9   121   MLF
CENUW   990108.9   <138   MLF
ESB365   990108.9   92   MLF
CENDY   990108.9   130   MLF

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