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[vsnet-obs 17884] Obs 6/7.11.

Observer Timo Kinnunen (KNN.VSNET)
         Espoo, Finland

Instr.   44.5 cm f/4.5 refl.

Var61 Her 19981106.751  14.1  Outburst continues. No good comparisons.
AY Lyr    19981106.75  <13.9
LL Lyr    19981106.75  <13.8
V493 Lyr  19981106.77  <14.0
SS Cyg    19981106.75    9.4
EM Cyg    19981106.75   13.7
V407 Cyg  19981106.75   12.7
V795 Cyg  19981106.77  <14.0
VV Cep    19981106.77    5.3
BL Lac    19981106.756  13.7  brighter
RX And    19981106.75   13.5
DX And    19981106.77   11.5  active
PQ And    19981106.77  <13.1
TY Psc    19981106.75  <13.6
New Psc   19981106.76  <13.1
RZ Psc    19981106.76   11.7
TZ Per    19981106.76   13.7
UV Per    19981106.76  <14.3
KT Per    19981106.77  <13.2
NSV895    19981106.77  <13.2

A cloud break. Early snow cover.

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