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[vsnet-obs 17871] Observations November 1 and 4

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77            phone: +31 (0)50-5418227
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands
Variable star observations for November 1 and 4.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU).
Instrument: 15x80B.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.

Object      Date        Mag   code   remarks

CRBR       981101.739    8.5   BMU   seq H/T
CRBR       981104.757    8.4   BMU   seq H/T
CYGchi     981104.76     5.9   BMU
CYGSS      981104.765    8.7   BMU
CYGCH      981104.762    8.1   BMU
SCTR       981101.742    5.5   BMU

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