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[vsnet-obs 17445] Observations

Observations for October 28, 1998
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : clear after showers, windy

Star     Date UT       Mag       code

SCTR     981028.729    5.8       CMG  10x50 finder
CRBR     981028.730    8.4       CMG
AQLVX    981028.73    12.3       CMG
CYGSS    981028.732    8.4       CMG
PEGY     981028.73    10.7       CMG
PEGRS    981028.73    11.3       CMG
PEGRU    981028.733   11.4       CMG
PEGDL    981028.73    10.7       CMG
PEGRW    981028.74     9.8       CMG
UMIZ     981028.738   11.5       CMG
UMIT     981028.74    13.4       CMG
CEPT     981028.74    10.6       CMG
HERS     981028.74     9.5       CMG
HERAH    981028.749   11.1       CMG
HERU     981028.75     7.7       CMG  10x50 finder
HERAS    981028.75    12.1       CMG
HERYY    981028.75    13.1       CMG
HERRY    981028.75    14.1       CMG
HERUZ    981028.75    10.9       CMG
PERDY    981028.750   12.5       CMG
CAMZ     981028.751   10.9       CMG
HERDF    981028.75    13.2       CMG
Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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