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[vsnet-obs 17302] S obs of 26/10/98

Visual observations of 26 October 1998
observer: Berto Monard  MLF, Pretoria, South Africa
instruments: 25cm /f4.5 Newtonian
conditions: cloud fragments after storm

SGRV1223   981026.78   129   MLF
SGRV3885   981026.78   101   MLF

SGRNOVA1998   981026.78   117   MLF
SCONOVA1998   981026.77   95   MLF

PKS2005-489   981026.79   126   MLF
PKS2155-304   981026.79   128   MLF

TELRR   981026.8   111   MLF

AQRU   981026.8   115   MLF


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