Observations for October 23, 24, 1998 Observer : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG) Instrument : 20.3 (23) and 30.5-cm (24) Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10 Conditions : 23 - clear at the edge of a thunderstorm with intensive lightning rain and thunder 24 - clear, later rainshower Star Date UT Mag code CYGSS 981023.844 12.0 CMG SGEV 981023.845 10.8 CMG ANDRX 981023.847 12.5 CMG AQRR 981023.85 10.1 CMG CYGCHI 981023.85 5.9 CMG 15x80 binoculars DRAW 981023.85 10.2 CMG DRAX 981023.85 11.6 CMG UMIS 981023.85 8.4 CMG UMIZ 981023.85 11.5 CMG CEPT 981023.85 10.4 CMG DRAR 981023.85 12.1 CMG CAMX 981023.86 10.0 CMG PEGRW 981023.86 9.8 CMG PEGRU 981023.857 11.5 CMG CAMZ 981024.116 12.3 CMG TAUR 981024.12 8.5 CMG TAUSU 981024.12 11.1 CMG TAURR 981024.12 11.0 CMG TAUV 981024.12 9.5 CMG TAUZ 981024.12 13.8 CMG TAURU 981024.12 12.4 CMG TAURX 981024.12 14.3 CMG ORIU 981024.12 7.6 CMG 10x50 finder ORIV 981024.12 10.7 CMG ORIS 981024.13 10.7 CMG ORIX 981024.13 10.7 CMG ORIBK 981024.13 10.5 CMG ORIY 981024.13 11.9 CMG ORIR 981024.13 13.3 CMG ORIRR 981024.13 12.3 CMG CETR 981024.13 9.0 CMG CETOMI 981024.13 8.2 CMG CETX 981024.13 13.3 CMG CNCR 981024.14 7.0 CMG 10x50 finder CNCUY 981024.14 13.7 CMG CNCSY 981024.138 13.4 CMG CNCYZ 981024.139 14.0 CMG CNCW 981024.14 13.3 CMG CNCU 981024.14 14.4 CMG CNCV 981024.14 8.0 CMG CMIT 981024.14 12.6 CMG CMIS 981024.14 10.7 CMG CMIR 981024.15 8.3 CMG CMIV 981024.15 12.7 CMG CMIU 981024.15 11.9 CMG HYAS 981024.15 12.7 CMG LEOV 981024.15 13.8 CMG LEOR 981024.15 6.8 CMG MONV 981024.15 12.3 CMG between thin clouds -- Georg Comello | Tel. : (31)-50-3634050 Kapteyn Laboratorium | Fax : (31)-50-3636100 University of Groningen | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen | The Netherlands |