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[vsnet-obs 16873] Observations

Observations for October 19, 1998
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : very clear after thunderstorm, and a magnificient electric power

Star     Date UT        Mag      code

CYGSS    981019.732     12.1     CMG
PEGRU    981019.734     11.9     CMG
ANDRX    981019.735     11.1     CMG
DRAAG    981019.74       9.8     CMG
AQLS     981019.74      10.5     CMG
AQLRT    981019.74      12.0     CMG
HERAE    981019.74       9.3     CMG
HERAZ    981019.74      11.1     CMG
HERT     981019.74      10.9     CMG
HERTV    981019.74      12.5     CMG
HERSV    981019.74      11.1     CMG
HERRZ    981019.74      10.1     CMG
HERS     981019.74       9.7     CMG
HERSS    980119.74       9.1     CMG
HERUZ    981019.74      12.3     CMG
HERU     981019.75       7.6     CMG  10x50 finder
HERR     981019.75       9.4     CMG
HERAS    981019.75      12.4     CMG
HERW     981019.75      12.1     CMG
CAMZ     981019.749     13.0     CMG
HERXZ    981019.75      12.5     CMG
HERRY    981019.75      13.9     CMG
HERWZ    981019.75      14.0     CMG
AQLRR    981019.75      13.7     CMG
LYRRW    981019.75      14.8     CMG
LYRRX    981019.75      13.1     CMG
LYRV     981019.76      14.8     CMG
DRAZZ    981019.76      13.2     CMG
DRAWZ    981019.76      14.4     CMG
CAPR     981019.82      10.3     CMG
CAPZ     981019.82      10.6     CMG
CAPT     981019.82      13.1     CMG
AQLW     981019.82      12.4     CMG
ANDZ     981019.82      10.8     CMG
DRAYZ    981019.82       9.5     CMG
AQLZ     981019.82      13.7     CMG
AQLRS    981019.83      12.5     CMG
AQLRU    981019.83      13.8     CMG
AQLTU    981019.83      10.3     CMG
AQLRV    981019.83      13.5     CMG
SGEV     981019.828     10.7     CMG
AQLRY    981019.83      14.2     CMG
TRIZ     981019.83      13.6     CMG
HERWZ    981019.83      13.9     CMG
HERDF    981019.83      12.9     CMG
HERYY    981019.84      13.1     CMG
LYRMV    981019.84      14.6     CMG
CYGFF    981019.84      13.6     CMG
CYGDR    981019.84      14.1     CMG
CYGWY    981019.84      14.1     CMG
CYGCH    981019.84       8.3     CMG
DELRZ    981019.84      13.6     CMG
DELSS    981019.85      12.3     CMG
DELRY    981019.85      15.6     CMG
DELRX    981019.85      15.5     CMG
DELV     981019.85      15.0     CMG
CYGUX    981019.85      14.9     CMG  back from a long, deep minimum
CASRR    981019.85      15.3     CMG
PSCRX    981019.85      14.6     CMG
EQUZ     981019.85      14.5     CMG
CASRV    981019.85      14.6     CMG
CASU     981019.86      15.5     CMG
VASV705  981019.86     :15.6     CMG  out of sequence
CASTY    981019.86      14.6     CMG
LYRST    981019.86      12.6     CMG
LYRSS    981019.86       9.8     CMG
LYRCE    981019.86      14.3     CMG
LYRWZ    981019.87      14.5     CMG
AURRU    981019.87      10.2     CMG
AURAZ    981019.87      12.2     CMG
AURAQ    981019.87      11.5     CMG
AURU     981019.87      12.6     CMG
AURS     981019.87      12.9     CMG
AURAA    981019.87      14.1     CMG
CAMV     981019.88      14.7     CMG
ARIZ     981019.88      13.4     CMG
ARIU     981019.88       9.8     CMG  

Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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