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[vsnet-obs 15613] Observations

Observations for September 24, 1998
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : clear, hazy in lower altutudes

Star     Date UT       Mag       code

AQRR     980924.04     9.4       CMG
CETW     980924.04     9.0       CMG
CETV     980924.04     9.8       CMG
CETR     980924.04     7.7       CMG  10x50 finder
CETOMI   980924.04     9.2       CMG
CETX     980924.05    11.4       CMG
ARIU     980924.05     9.0       CMG
TAUR     980924.05     8.0       CMG
TAUV     980924.05    10.1       CMG
TAURR    980924.05    13.6       CMG
TAUVX    980924.05    11.1       CMG
TAUVY    980924.05    13.7       CMG
TAURX    980924.05    14.3       CMG
TAUSU    980924.055   11.4       CMG
ORIRR    980924.06    11.0       CMG
ORIV     980924.06    12.3       CMG
ORIU     980924.06    10.2       CMG
ORIR     980924.06    12.4       CMG
ORIS     980924.06     9.6       CMG
PERV384  980924.06    14.4       CMG
AURS     980924.06    13.0       CMG
AURV     980924.07    11.5       CMG
AURRR    980924.07    10.6       CMG
AURU     980924.07    11.7       CMG
AURAQ    980924.07    10.9       CMG
AURRU    980924.07    10.1       CMG
AURAZ    980924.07    12.8       CMG
AURAA    980924.08    14.5       CMG
AURXZ    980924.08    11.4       CMG
AURVX    980924.08    12.3       CMG
LYNU     980924.08    13.5       CMG
LYNR     980924.08    14.2       CMG
LYNS     980924.08    14.4       CMG
LYNT     980924.09    11.3       CMG
CETU     980924.09     7.7       CMG
GEMU     980924.103   10.8       CMG
GEMS     980924.10    13.6       CMG
GEMR     980924.10     7.5       CMG
GEMX     980924.10    12.4       CMG
GEMWZ    980924.11    11.1       CMG
GEMZZ    980924.11     9.5       CMG
GEMT     980924.12    11.3       CMG
GEMVX    980924.12     9.0       CMG
MONY     980924.12    14.0       CMG        
Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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