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[vsnet-obs 14630] VS observations (Kral)

VS observations (Kral)

Forwarded message (don't encode text file when sending next time, please):

> From post@post.globe.cz Thu Sep  3 01:21 JST 1998
> Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 18:21:04 +0200
> From: ccd.ostrava@post.cz
> Subject: Monitoring of CVs

Dear Dr. Kato,

I send You (as an attachment to this message) a text file with my visual
estimates of several cataclysmic 
Lukas Kral

Observatory Ostrava
E-mail: ccd.ostrava@post.cz
Tomas Havlik
Marek Kolasa
Lukas Kral

Visual Estimates of Cataclysmic Variables
Observer: Lukas Kral, Ostrava, Czech Republic
YYMMDD(UT)  Variable  Mag    Telescope
960806.947  EY Aql   <10.6   B
960806.969  WZ Sge   <10.5   B
960807.955  EY Aql   <11.5   B
960807.974  WZ Sge   <10.9   B
960808.941  EY Aql   <11.6   B
960808.960  WZ Sge   <11.5   B
960808.993  TT Ari   <11.5   B
960809.924  EY Aql   <11.6   B
960809.929  WZ Sge   <11.8   B
960809.972  RZ Per   <11.7   B
960810.076  TT Ari    10.7   B
960810.944  EY Aql   <11.3   B
960810.948  WZ Sge   <11.5   B
960810.955  RZ Per   <11.3   B
960811.000  TT Ari    10.6   B
970604.927  WZ Sge   <12.5   N
970607.958  WZ Sge   <12.7   N
970609.938  WZ Sge   <12.5   N
970609.944  BC UMa   <12.5   N
970610.944  WZ Sge   <12.5   N
970610.965  BC UMa   <12.5   N
970826.986  WZ Sge   <12.6   N
970826.993  EY Aql   <12.5   N
970827.007 V1454 Cyg <12.5   N
970827.029  EF Peg   <12.4   N
980528.000  BZ UMa   <14.0   CCD
980528.028  SW UMa   <12.5   MC
980529.889  BZ UMa   <12.7   N
980529.903  SW UMa   <12.5   N
980529.917  AY Lyr   <12.8   N
980529.951   Z Cam    11.7   N
980604.944   Z Cam    11.6   N
980605.896   Z Cam    11.8   N
980719.986  EY Aql   <11.9   B
980719.993  WZ Sge   <12.0   B
980720.008  BZ UMa   <11.7   B
980720.024  BC UMa   <11.7   B
980720.038  AR And   <12.0   B
980720.042  HP And   <11.8   B
980720.049  PQ And   <11.4   B                 
980816.974   Z Cam    10.9   N
980816.983  EY Aql   <12.6   N
980816.986  WZ Sge   <12.7   N 
980816.990  AY Lyr   <12.6   N
980820.871   Z Cam    11.3   N
980820.878  EY Aql   <12.8   N
980820.883  WZ Sge   <12.8   N
980820.889  AY Lyr   <13.0   N
980820.898  BC Cas   <12.9   N 
980820.915 V1454 Cyg <12.9   N
980820.931  EF Peg   <12.8   N
980828.853  AR And   <12.8   N

B........ Binocular 25x100
N ....... Newton 140/1053
CCD ..... CCD ST-7 on f=300 mm 1:4.5 lens (unfiltered)
MC ...... Maksutov - Cassegrain 150/2250

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