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[vsnet-obs 14542] Observations

Observations for August 31, 1998
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 20.3-cm and 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : moonlight, later very good, fine sky (nice configuration of 

Star      Date UT        Mag        code

CRBR      980831.827     7.5        CMG  10x50 finder, AAVSO-sequence
DRAY      980831.83     11.0        CMG
HERRS     980831.83      8.6        CMG
HERW      980831.83     13.6        CMG
HERR      980831.83     10.3        CMG
HERRT     988031.83     10.6        CMG
HERSY     988031.83     10.6        CMG
HERRU     980831.83     13.7        CMG
HERNP     980831.83     10.7        CMG
HERS      980831.83     13.3        CMG
HERAS     980831.84     13.5        CMG
HERSS     980831.84     13.4        CMG
HERUZ     980831.84     13.2        CMG
HERSU     980831.84     13.7        CMG
HERCF     980831.84     13.5        CMG
HERDF     980831.84     11.6        CMG
HERDO     980831.84     12.4        CMG
HERAH     980831.847    12.0        CMG
OPHRY     980831.85      9.0        CMG
OPHUZ     980831.849    11.1        CMG
OPHRS     980831.850    11.6        CMG
OPHZ      980831.85      8.6        CMG
OPHX      980831.85      7.4        CMG
SCTR      980831.852     5.5        CMG  10x50 finder
OPHBC     980831.85     13.6        CMG
SERT      980831.85     14.1        CMG
DRAWZ     980831.85     14.5        CMG
DRASV     980831.85     14.7        CMG
DRARV     980831.85     10.4        CMG
DRAAG     980831.85      9.7        CMG
AQLR      980831.85      8.6        CMG
AQLS      980831.86      9.5        CMG
AQLX      980831.86     13.3        CMG
AQLRT     980831.86     13.8        CMG
AQLRU     980831.86     13.2        CMG
AQLTU     980831.86     12.5        CMG
AQLZ      980831.86     11.7        CMG
AQLRR     980831.87     11.7        CMG
AQLRS     980831.87     12.7        CMG
AQLEM     980831.87     12.6        CMG
AQKVX     980831.87     11.0        CMG
AQLW      980831.87     13.2        CMG
AQLRV     980831.87     13.9        CMG
PEGRR     980831.87     14.4        CMG
CYGSS     980831.878    12.0        CMG
PEGRU     980831.879    11.8        CMG
ANDRX     980831.880    11.5        CMG
CAMZ      980831.881    13.4        CMG
CASWY     980831.88      9.2        CMG
CASV666   980831.88     11.3        CMG
CASV667   980831.88      9.8        CMG
DELV      980831.88     13.6        CMG
DELS      980831.88      9.3        CMG
DELT      980831.88     14.6        CMG
DELX      980831.88     13.1        CMG
DELR      980831.88     11.6        CMG
DELRZ     980831.89     11.5        CMG
DELRY     980831.89     14.3        CMG
DELZ      980831.89     14.6        CMG
DELRX     980831.89     13.8        CMG
LYRRS     980831.89     14.4        CMG
LYRRY     980831.89    :14.8        CMG
PEGRT     980831.89     14.9        CMG
PEGZ      980831.89      9.1        CMG
PEGVY     980831.90     13.5        CMG
SGEV      980831.897    12.3        CMG
DRAZZ     980831.90     14.9        CMG
DRAYZ     980831.90     11.8        CMG
CAPR      980831.90     11.5        CMG
CAPZ      980831.90     10.0        CMG
CYGLX     980831.91     10.8        CMG  delete 10.5 of August 30
CYGLY     980831.91     11.9        CMG
CYGLV     980831.91     11.2        CMG
CYGFL     980831.91     12.8        CMG
CYGFZ     980831.91     14.7        CMG  crowded region!
CYGCH     980831.92      8.3        CMG
ANDRV     980831.92     10.4        CMG
ANDSX     980831.92     14.7        CMG
ANDRR     980831.93     14.1        CMG
ANDUW     980831.93     14.5        CMG
ANDUZ     980831.93     15.1        CMG
ANDSZ     980831.93    <15.0        CMG (!)
ARIRT     980831.94     10.5        CMG   
Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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