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[vsnet-obs 14029] DN outbursts

Visual observations of outbursts.

Rod Stubbings (VSS-RASNZ)
Drouin, Vic.

Instrument: 32cm Newtonian
RASNZ sequences unless noted

 Star        Date      UT      mag.
HL CMA      980805    19:38    11.7
HL CMA      980821    18:20    12.0 new outburst?

CN ORI      980805    19:39    12.6
CN ORI      980821    18:21    12.6 new outburst?

CW MON      980805    20:01   <13.6
            980821    18:32    13.6

TY PSA      980819    10:12   <14.8
            980821    10:25   <13.1
            980821    18:50    12.5

SV CMI      980821    19:35    13.8: low

BI ORI      980821    18:22   <14.8
V1159 ORI   980821    18:23    14.8
AQ ERI      980821    18:24   <15.0
BV PUP      980821    18:26   <14.4
BX PUP      980821    18:27   <14.2
V616 MON    980821    18:30   <14.2
UY PUP      980821    18:33   <14.5
U PSA       980821    18:38    14.7
RU PEG      980821    18:42    10.3
WW CET      980821    18:47    14.2
EF ERI      980821    18:53   <15.0
AH ERI      980821    18:54   <15.0
Z CHA       980821    18:58    15.1
OY CAR      980821    18:59   <15.0
AO OCT      980821    19:00   <15.0
T PYX       980821    19:02   <14.4
CZ ORI      980821    19:05   <13.9
V651 MON    980821    19:07    11.3
VZ PYX      980821    19:09   <13.4
VW HYI      980821    19:10    13.8
TU MEN      980821    19:11   <14.5
CU VEL      980821    19:12   <14.0
BB VEL      980821    19:13   <14.0
WX HYI      980821    19:18    14.8
RU HOR      980821    19:26   <14.4
W MEN       980821    19:27    13.9
RX CHA      980821    19:29   <14.4

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