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[vsnet-obs 13714] Outburst of V516 Cyg (update)

Outburst of V516 Cyg (update)

  Long outburst.

  YYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  980802.032  <150  (G. Poyner)
  980803.990  <152  (G. Poyner)
  980804.451   147  (G. Hanson)
  980805.017   143  (G. Poyner)
  980805.451   140  (G. Hanson)
  980805.990   141  (G. Poyner)
  980806.958   140  (G. Poyner)
  980809.015   139  (G. Poyner)
  980809.978   140  (G. Poyner)

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