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[vsnet-obs 1938] AR And

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for observations of AR And for Jan. 13th & 14th. There appeared
some conflicting observations on VSnet.

On Jan. 13.834 I observed AR And but was not sure whether I saw AR And or
the nearby star mentioned as 145 on the AAVSO e-chart (=GSC 2815-1496).
On Jan. 14.842, I observed AR And again in less good conditions than the
previous night.
In these conditions I probably couldn't see the nearby star of magnitude
14.5, but I saw a star. I decided that I observed AR And at magnitude 13.6:,
a little fainter in comparison with the star mentioned 134 on the AAVSO e-chart.
(The star mentioned 134 on the AAVSO-chart is in fact a lot fainter then
13.4 and is mentioned as 1457 on the V-band CCD chart of H. Baba ([vsnet 391]))

May I decide that AR And was invisible (<14.5) on these nights?

Looking forward to your comments,

Eric Broens

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