SELECTED OBSERVATIONS OF VARIABLE STARS Observer : Eric Broens, Mol, Belgium [VVS Belgium, variable star section] Internet: Instr. : 0.35m f/5 Newton - 10 X 50 binoculars Observations for 1995 Nov. 28 star date [UT] magn. ---- --------- ----- DX And 28.835 <14.2 KV And 28.832 14.0 SS Cyg 28.753 12.0 DM Lyr 28.760 <14.8: LL Lyr 28.767 <13.8 V493 Lyr 28.756 14.4 Seq: TA V493 Lyr 28.769 14.3 Seq: TA V493 Lyr 28.827 14.4: Seq: TA UV Per 28.828 <14.6 UW Per 28.829 <14.7