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[vsnet-miracirc 42282] Long-period variables 2003.07-2003.09 (part 1)

             Long-period variables 2003.07-2003.09 (up to Sep 13)

                 Jul            Aug            Sep      
           early mid  end early mid  end early mid  end      observer(s)
R  And      ---  146  148 <142 <140  134  142  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,GCO,KIS,LTO,Nts,Oht,SXN
T  And      103  106  113  119  127  128  130  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,KIS,LTO,Oht,SXN
U  And     <118  --- <118  --- <138 <143 <118  ---  ---  (M) GCO,LTO,Oht,SXN
V  And      ---   96   99  104  107  113  117  ---  ---  (M) CMG,GRL,KIS,LTO,Oht,SBX,SXN
W  And      ---  --- <120  --- <135  ---  134  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,LTO,Oht,SXN
X  And      ---  112  115  ---  120  126  130  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,KIS,LTO,SXN
Y  And      ---   95   96  107  113  122  126  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,KIS,Oht,SXN
RR And      ---  125  122  118  115  112  105  ---  ---  (M) CMG,KIS,LTO,Oht,SBX,SXN
RS And       86   83   86   84   84   87   86  ---  ---  (SRA) LTO
RU And      ---  116  118  ---  126 <115  132  ---  ---  (SRA) BVE,CMG,KIS,Oht,PJC,SXN
RV And      ---  ---  105  106  ---  104  101  ---  ---  (SRA) CMG,GRL
RW And      ---  --- <115 <122  132 <110  114  ---  ---  (M) LTO,SXN
RY And      ---  ---  ---  --- <139  ---  147  ---  ---  (M) SXN
SS And      ---  103  102   97   94   94   93  ---  ---  (SRC) KWO
ST And      ---   96   99  110  ---  105  105  ---  ---  (SRA) CMG,Oht,SBX
SV And      ---  ---  123  ---  112  108   98  ---  ---  (M) CMG,KIS,Oht,SXN
SX And      ---  102  100   97   93   93   96  ---  ---  (M) BMM,CMG,Oht,SXN
SZ And      ---  110  112  114  117  122  129  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht,SBX,SXN
TU And      ---  106  110  116  ---  119  123  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht,SBX
TV And      ---  104  100  106  ---  105  ---  ---  ---  (SRA) Oht,SBX
TX And      ---  111  117  ---  --- <112  116  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht
TY And      ---   96   95   95  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (SRB) Oht,SBX
TZ And       92   88   88   89   88   90   89  ---  ---  (SRB) LTO
UW And      ---  114  110  110  113  111  121  ---  ---  (M) CMG,GRL,HZM,Oht,SXN
UZ And      ---  ---  ---  ---  129 <114  109  ---  ---  (M) Oht,SXN
VX And       88   84   88  ---   87   93   91  ---  ---  (SRA) LTO,Oht,SBX,SSW
VY And      ---  104  ---  106  ---  105  ---  ---  ---  (SRB) Oht,SBX
WY And      ---   89   90   91   90   91   92  ---  ---  (SRD) DPV,KWO,Oht
YZ And      ---  101  ---  105  106  110  116  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht,SXN
AK And      ---  ---  ---  ---  145  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
AL And      ---  ---  ---  --- <143  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
AX And      ---  ---  ---  --- <137  ---  148  ---  ---  (M) SXN
AZ And      ---  ---  ---  ---  134  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
BG And      ---  103   97   91   96   94   95  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht,SXN
BU And      ---  100  ---  100  108  109  109  ---  ---  (M) CMG,KIS,SXN
CQ And      ---  ---  124  ---  123  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M:) Hrm,SXN
DZ And      ---  101  101   97   97   98   97  ---  ---  (-) MUY,Oht,SBX
EK And      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  110  ---  ---  ---  (SRA) Oht
IW And      142 <153  144  148 <140  146  147  ---  ---  (IA:) DPV,Rip,SXN,TDB
KL And      ---  ---  118  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M:) Hrm
KX And      ---  ---   69   69   69   69  ---  ---  ---  (GCAS) Kat
KY And      ---  ---   69   69   69   69  ---  ---  ---  (GCAS) Kat
KZ And      ---  ---   69   69   69   69  ---  ---  ---  (BY) Kat
LX And      --- <138 <154 <154  130  135 <147 <134  ---  (RVB) DPV,GCO,HZM,MUY,POX,POY,Rip,SXN,TDB
V420 And    ---  ---  120  ---  ---  110  ---  ---  ---  (M) HZM,Hrm,JCN
V421 And    ---  ---  125  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) Hrm
V426 And    ---  ---  145  153  144  146  ---  ---  ---  (SRB) JCN
lambda And  ---  ---   41   41   41   41  ---  ---  ---  (RS) Kat
omicron And ---  ---   37   37   37   37  ---  ---  ---  (GCAS) Kat
OO Aps      ---   68   67  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (LB) OSE
theta Aps    53   50   49   50   54   59   60   61  ---  (SRB) OSE
kappa1 Aps   54   54   54  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (GCAS) OSE
R  Aql       89   90   86   79   77   74   68   66  ---  (M) BAR,BMU,BVE,CMG,Cls,DPV,GRL,KIS,Kat,LMT,OSE,Onr,SSW,SXN,Sga,Ths,VYV
S  Aql      104  107  114 <116  ---  116  111  105  ---  (SRA) CMG,GRL,KVI,LTO,Oht,SXN
V  Aql       71   73   73   72   72   73   75   70  ---  (SRB) DPV,KGE,KVI,Kat,LTO,OSE,PJC,SSW,Sga,Som,Tcy,VYV,WJD,Wny
W  Aql      114  119 <118 <118  ---  122  121  ---  ---  (M) CMG,LTO
X  Aql       92   93   90  ---   92   99   99  106  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,KIS,LTO,Oht,SXN
Z  Aql       98   98   92  ---  ---  105  127  ---  ---  (M) CMG,Oht
RR Aql      100   94   84   84   88   88   92  ---  ---  (M) CMG,KIS
RS Aql      ---  ---  141  ---  ---  143  144  ---  ---  (M) CMG,SXN
RT Aql       88   91   95  100  ---  108  110  112  ---  (M) CMG,GRL,KIS,Oht
RU Aql      140  129  129  ---  ---  104   98   92  ---  (M) CMG,KIS
RV Aql      145  132  128 <117  111  109   99   97  ---  (M) BMM,CMG,GCO,KVI,Oht,SXN
RZ Aql      ---  ---  ---  117  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) KVI
SV Aql      ---  --- <145  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
SW Aql      ---  ---  140  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
SX Aql      ---  ---  118  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
SY Aql      ---  ---  145  ---  --- <145  ---  ---  ---  (M) GCO,KIS,SXN
TU Aql      ---  ---  140 <140  --- <140  136  ---  ---  (M) CMG,HZM,LTO,SXN
TV Aql      126  128  133  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) CMG,SXN
VV Aql      ---  --- <147  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M:) SXN
VX Aql      115  114  112  ---  ---  109  110  107  ---  (M:) CMG,Hrm
ES Aql     <141  147  146 <141 <141 <148 <141  ---  ---  (SR) KVI,MUY,SXN
EU Aql      ---  ---  126  ---  ---  126  128  ---  ---  (M) HZM,SXN
EZ Aql      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  129  ---  ---  (RVA) KVI
HI Aql      ---  123  125  ---  ---  140  ---  ---  ---  (M) CMG,HZM,SXN
KN Aql      ---   97  ---  ---  ---   89  ---  ---  ---  (SRB) DPV
LO Aql      ---  ---  113  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
OS Aql      ---  ---  126  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
OW Aql      ---  ---  114  ---  ---  ---  105  ---  ---  (M) Hrm,SXN
OX Aql      ---  ---  121  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) SXN
PQ Aql     <150  150 <162 <150 <150 <162 <150  ---  ---  (SR) PJC,SXN,Stu,TDB
QZ Aql      ---  ---  112  ---  ---  130  137  ---  ---  (M) HZM,SXN,TDB
V450 Aql     67   67   67   66   68   66   64   64  ---  (SRB) DPV,Kat,OSE,WJD
V553 Aql    --- <150 <150 <148  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) BMM,SXN
V923 Aql    ---   61   60   61   61   60   61   61  ---  (GCAS) DPV,OSE
V1293 Aql    67   68   67   67   65   67   66   65  ---  (SRB) DPV,Kat,OSE,WJD
V1294 Aql    72   72   72   72   73   74   75   75  ---  (GCAS) Cls,DPV,OSE
V1330 Aql    97   95  ---   97  ---   94  ---  ---  ---  (SR) DPV
V1454 Aql   ---  --- <158  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (?) TDB
beta Aql    ---   38   38   38   38   38  ---  ---  ---  (?) Kat
R  Aqr      ---   89   68   64   58   57   60   61  ---  (M) AAX,BAR,BVE,CMG,GRL,Hsk,Kat,OSE,Oht,Onr
S  Aqr      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  130  ---  ---  (M) Hsk
T  Aqr      ---   82   82   78   88   97  105  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,Hsk,KIS
V  Aqr      ---   84  ---  ---   83   87   78  ---  ---  (SRA) BVE,Oht
W  Aqr      ---   94   95   98  107  107  114  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,KIS
Y  Aqr      ---  146  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (M) CMG
RR Aqr      ---  106  ---  ---  102  104  104  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG
RS Aqr      ---  118  118  ---  107  105  101  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,HZM
RT Aqr      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   99  ---  ---  (M) Hsk
RW Aqr      ---  ---  133  ---  ---  100   96   83  ---  (M) CMG,Hsk
UU Aqr      ---  --- <138 <138  ---  134  ---  ---  ---  (SR) HZM,JCN
UW Aqr      ---  ---   96  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  (CST) Oht
WW Aqr      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  --- <133  ---  ---  (M) Hsk
omicron Aqr ---  ---   48  ---  ---  ---   45  ---  ---  (GCAS) Oht
pi Aqr      ---  ---   48   48  ---   48   47  ---  ---  (GCAS) Kat,Oht
chi Aqr     ---  ---   49   49  ---   49  ---  ---  ---  (LB) Kat
U  Ara      ---  112  101   84   83   83  ---  ---  ---  (M) AAX
V663 Ara   <144  --- <144 <146 <146 <144  ---  ---  ---  (L) Stu
V877 Ara   <148  --- <148 <148 <148 <150 <143  ---  ---  (UG:) MLF,Stu
alpha Ara    29   29   29   29   29   29   29   29  ---  (BE) OSE
R  Ari      ---  107  104  100   92   89   86  ---  ---  (M) BAR,BVE,CMG,Hrm,Hsk,KIS,LTO,Nts,Oht
S  Ari      ---  ---  ---  ---  130 <116  137  ---  ---  (M) BVE,Oht
T  Ari      ---  ---   92   88   89   90   88  ---  ---  (SRA) BVE,GRL,Oht
U  Ari      ---  ---  ---  ---  105 <119   91  ---  ---  (M) BVE,Oht
Z  Ari      ---  ---  ---  120  ---  122  124  ---  ---  (M) HZM,Oht,SXN
RT Ari      ---  ---  --- <140  ---  122  123  ---  ---  (M) HZM,SXN
RZ Ari      ---  ---   56   57   57   57   61  ---  ---  (SRB) Kat,Oht
AF Ari      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   66  ---  ---  ---  (?) OSE
alpha Ari   ---  ---   20   20  ---   20  ---  ---  ---  (?) Kat
beta Ari    ---  ---   27   27  ---   27  ---  ---  ---  (?) Kat
R  Aur      ---  --- <115  ---  130 <115  132  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,Hsk,Oht,SXN
S  Aur      ---  ---  ---  --- <105 <115  122  ---  ---  (SR) Oht,SXN
U  Aur      ---  ---  ---  --- <110  110  119  114  ---  (M) BMU,Oht,SXN
V  Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  105  104  102  ---  ---  (M) BVE,Oht,SXN
W  Aur      ---  ---  ---  --- <114 <114  142  ---  ---  (M) Oht,SXN
X  Aur      ---  ---  ---   87   86  ---   86  ---  ---  (M) BVE,CMG,GRL,Hsk
Z  Aur      ---  ---  ---  105  ---  ---  110  ---  ---  (SRD) CMG,GRL,SXN
RR Aur      ---  --- <113  ---  ---  ---  124  ---  ---  (M) Oht,SXN
RS Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  102  100  101  100  ---  (SRA) Oht,SXN
RU Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  --- <151  ---  ---  (M) Oht,SXN
RW Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  107  103  103  ---  (INT) KWO,Oht
ST Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  114  ---  ---  (M) SXN
SU Aur      ---  ---   96  ---  ---  ---  ---   92  ---  (INSB) Oht
SV Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---   99   99   96   97  ---  (LB) Oht
SZ Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  --- <112  ---  ---  (M) Oht
TV Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---   90   95   96  ---  ---  (SRB) Oht
TX Aur      ---  ---   95  ---  ---   94  ---  ---  ---  (LB) Oht
UU Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   56   56   55  ---  (SRB) DPV,Kat,Oht
UV Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---   88   85   88   89  ---  (M) Oht,SVO
VX Aur      ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   88  ---  ---  (M) SXN

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