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[vsnet-mira 133550] RT Cyg recent (cont'd)

RT Cyg recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20020909.481    91  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20020909.928    91  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20020911.549    90  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20020912.919    91  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020913.099    89  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20020913.940    89  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20020915.810    88  (Georg Comello)
  20020918.533    88  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020919.594    84  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20020923.466    83  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20020923.535    86  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020923.930    85  (Georg Comello)
  20020924.482    80  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20020926.897    76  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20020929.837    79  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020929.899    80  (Georg Comello)
  20020930.830    79  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020930.835    72  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021001.614    78  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021002.492    73  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021002.893    73  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021003.553    77  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021003.739    72  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021004.849    73  (Georg Comello)
  20021005.562    73  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021008.869    73  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20021009.448    70  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021010.442    69  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20021010.541    72  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021010.849    71  (Georg Comello)
  20021010.855    74  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021012.531    64  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20021012.551    72  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021012.583    74  (Masateru Ogura)
  20021013.517    75  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021014.426    72  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021014.517    75  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021015.888    69  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021016.462    65  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20021016.599    69  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021017.497    68  (Yoshiko Sugai)
  20021018.815    68  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021023.760    69  (Georg Comello)
  20021023.805    68  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021023.824    69  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021024.744    67  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021024.800    72  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20021025.524    75  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021026.742    70  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021027.435    71  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021027.462    68  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021027.490    66  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20021027.522    75  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021030.560    71  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021030.758    70  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021030.940    69  (Reinder J. Bouma)
  20021031.485    73  (Yoshiko Sugai)
  20021102.587    71  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021103.466    71  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021103.791    71  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021105.590    72  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021105.900    73  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20021106.426    74  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021106.537    75  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021107.414    72  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021108.581    72  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021109.585    73  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021109.776    73  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021110.394    73  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021110.410    73  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20021110.456    73  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021110.699    74  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20021111.732    80  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20021111.810    71  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021111.858    83  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021113.526    73  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021116.528    76  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021117.814    74  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021117.885    73  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021120.717    76  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021122.382    73  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021123.512    80  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021123.691    78  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021124.759    76  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20021127.524    79  (Yoshitoshi Atobe)
  20021128.549    77  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021129.406    78  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021208.769    85  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20021208.849    85  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20021209.701    87  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021209.752    86  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021210.685    85  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021214.387    86  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021214.501    91  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021215.394    87  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20021219.758    88  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021220.674    90  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021226.753    97  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20021229.369   101  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20021229.378   <93  (Yasunori Watanabe)

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