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[vsnet-mira 131153] R Ari recent (cont'd)

R Ari recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20020106.507    98  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20020106.514    99  (Hiroyuki Someya)
  20020109.719    96  (Georg Comello)
  20020112.521    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020113.735    96  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020113.839    96  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020114.515    93  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020116.750    90  (Georg Comello)
  20020121.819    91  (Georg Comello)
  20020124.069    89  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020124.487    86  (Hiroyuki Someya)
  20020124.763    90  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20020130.446    79  (Yuji Sekino)
  20020131.767    83  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020202.769    84  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020202.799    86  (Georg Comello)
  20020202.835    86  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020204.060    80  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020206.535    82  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020207.469    82  (Hiroyuki Someya)
  20020209.740    85  (Georg Comello)
  20020210.512    78  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020212.467    80  (Mitutaka Hiraga)
  20020214.741    81  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20020214.750    76  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020214.780    84  (Georg Comello)
  20020215.460    79  (Mitutaka Hiraga)
  20020215.465    76  (Yuji Sekino)
  20020215.807    80  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020217.019    79  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020218.474    83  (Hiroyuki Someya)
  20020220.453    79  (Mitutaka Hiraga)
  20020223.514    82  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020224.451    79  (Mitutaka Hiraga)
  20020225.019    80  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020226.760    81  (Georg Comello)
  20020226.760    81  (Guenther Krisch)
  20020227.747    77  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020301.762    81  (Guenther Krisch)
  20020301.778    84  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20020302.767    82  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020303.000    86  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020303.510    83  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020304.472    84  (Hiroyuki Someya)
  20020305.790    86  (Georg Comello)
  20020308.435    80  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20020308.840    82  (Guenther Krisch)
  20020309.019    87  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020309.444    80  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20020310.770    87  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20020318.453    85  (Mitutaka Hiraga)
  20020328.772    90  (Guenther Krisch)
  20020712.050   109  (Georg Comello)
  20020720.060   106  (Georg Comello)
  20020727.050   102  (Georg Comello)
  20020729.069    99  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020813.980    86  (Georg Comello)
  20020815.008    89  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020815.919    79  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020820.608    88  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020830.592    86  (Taichi Kato)
  20020831.576    87  (Taichi Kato)
  20020901.574    85  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020903.951    85  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020905.900    85  (Laszlo L. Kiss)
  20020906.924    82  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020908.889    81  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020909.900    83  (Balogh Istvan)
  20020910.580    84  (Yoshiko Sugai)
  20020911.842    89  (Guenther Krisch)
  20020912.005    90  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020912.883    80  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020914.000    86  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20020914.040    86  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20020915.863    84  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020918.553    90  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020923.560    91  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020923.880    88  (Georg Comello)
  20020924.556    88  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20020924.847    84  (Thorsten Lange)
  20020929.919    90  (Georg Comello)
  20020930.839    86  (Thorsten Lange)
  20021001.865    89  (Thorsten Lange)
  20021003.581    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021004.890    92  (Georg Comello)
  20021004.990    96  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20021005.574    96  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021009.906    98  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20021010.837    98  (Thorsten Lange)
  20021010.840    99  (Georg Comello)
  20021011.794   103  (Guenther Krisch)
  20021011.930    98  (Erwin van Ballegoij)
  20021012.562    99  (Susumu Takahashi)
  20021013.619    99  (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20021014.537   102  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021024.757  <107  (Thorsten Lange)
  20021024.884   103  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021025.542   110  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021027.551   111  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021027.956   114  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)

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