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[vsnet-mira 130839] TU Peg recent (cont'd)

TU Peg recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20001130.790   121  (Georg Comello)
  20001208.460   117  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20001208.819   115  (Georg Comello)
  20001216.419   112  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20001217.750   110  (Georg Comello)
  20001221.790   107  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20001222.740   108  (Georg Comello)
  20001223.462   107  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20001229.394    99  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20001229.399   102  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20001230.740   102  (Georg Comello)
  20010106.740    95  (Georg Comello)
  20010111.730    94  (Georg Comello)
  20010113.776    98  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20010114.392    91  (Masaru Ooishi)
  20010116.740    94  (Georg Comello)
  20010124.730    93  (Georg Comello)
  20010714.617  <126  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20010717.010   142  (Georg Comello)
  20010722.277   140: (Mike Simonsen)
  20010724.980   141  (Georg Comello)
  20010801.940   141  (Georg Comello)
  20010811.019   138  (Georg Comello)
  20010811.331   136  (Mike Simonsen)
  20010815.919  <138  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20010824.899   132  (Georg Comello)
  20010829.840   129  (Georg Comello)
  20010831.637  <116  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20010904.910   125  (Georg Comello)
  20010906.808   133  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20010911.935   120  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20010913.890   127  (Georg Comello)
  20010919.869   127  (Georg Comello)
  20010923.610   128  (Seiichi Sakuma)
  20010923.903  <106  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20010924.555   127  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20010924.899   126  (Georg Comello)
  20010928.603   126  (Seiichi Sakuma)
  20011005.900   125  (Georg Comello)
  20011006.569   126  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011007.810  <113  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011012.819    90  (Danny Scharnhorst)
  20011012.819   90C  (Danny Scharnhorst)
  20011014.551   122  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011014.817   116  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011016.790   124  (Georg Comello)
  20011016.801   121  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20011018.481   120  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20011020.510   121  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011026.703   111  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011030.899   113  (Georg Comello)
  20011103.796   110  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20011104.508   105  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20011104.808   110  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011105.730   108  (Georg Comello)
  20011107.560   105  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011110.510   100  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20011112.885   100  (Mike Simonsen)
  20011114.780   100  (Georg Comello)
  20011117.797    92  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011118.462    94  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20011119.576    95  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011121.535    94  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011124.530    93  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011206.860    98  (Georg Comello)
  20011208.799    92  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20011212.077    92  (Mike Simonsen)
  20011215.781    97  (Jose Ripero)
  20011216.760    90  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20011218.760    92  (Georg Comello)
  20011221.715    93  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20011224.476    90  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20011228.460    92  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020102.720    98  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20020103.719    93  (Georg Comello)
  20020113.719    98  (Georg Comello)
  20020121.699   104  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20020122.750    98  (Georg Comello)
  20020128.704   101  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20020619.624  <126  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020714.969   137  (Georg Comello)
  20020719.001   138  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020720.298   137  (Mike Simonsen)
  20020803.354   139  (Mike Simonsen)
  20020813.960   131  (Georg Comello)
  20020815.889  <140  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20020820.597  <113  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020901.565  <126  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020907.270   123  (Mike Simonsen)
  20020912.949   121  (Georg Comello)
  20020915.888   111  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20020923.551   112  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20020923.860   102  (Georg Comello)
  20020929.869   106  (Georg Comello)
  20020930.858   109  (Alfons Diepvens)
  20021003.566   104  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021003.799   103  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)
  20021010.819   101  (Georg Comello)
  20021014.530    98  (Masashi Nakatani)
  20021020.797   101  (Adrian Sonka Bruno)

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