Re: possible nova in Sct 中島さんが多色測光に成功されました。この数字をみる限り、近傍の新星で大規 模に明るくなる可能性は低くなったと思われます。Rc が C よりもかなり明るい ので、あるいはすでに輝線が効いているのかも知れません。 Kazuhiro Nakajima (Kumano, Mie, Japan) succeeded in obtaining the following multicolor CCD photometry of the suspected nova in Sct. The observed colors are not inconsistent with a moderately reddened nova. The object is likely a moderately remote object reaching its maximum around the discovery date. The supposed quiescent counterpart seems to be slightly too bright to be securely identified with this exploding object. Further detailed astrometry and identification are needed. CCD magnitude estimates by VSOLJ members object YYYYMMDD(UT) mag code SCTnova2003 20030830.53668 8.96C Njh.VSOLJ SCTnova2003 20030830.53800 9.05V Njh.VSOLJ SCTnova2003 20030830.54001 8.46Rc Njh.VSOLJ SCTnova2003 20030830.54163 10.13B Njh.VSOLJ instruments: 25cmSC(F-5) + CV-04 + V,Rc,B, filter
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