V4743 Sgr observation with Chandra 以下の同時観測の要請が来ています。観測は今晩で、日本では夜明け後になります が、何か変動が受かった場合にその直前の状態はおそらく知りたいと思いますので、 観測可能なところがありましたらできる範囲で観測していただけたらと思います。 (積分時間などは通常の激変星測光と同じでよいかと思います) We have received the following request from Prof. Sunmer Starrfield for simultaneous observation of V4743 Sgr with Chandra X-ray satellite. The Chandra observation starts tonight. === Dear Dr. Kato We are going to get a 12.5 ksec observation of V4743 Sgr with CHANDRA tomorrow. If anyone is able to get some ground based photometry it could be very interesting. thanks in advance Sumner Starrfield An observation of which you are PI is included in the new short-term schedule starting July 14, 2003 . It is available at http://cxc.harvard.edu/target_lists/stscheds/index.html. An abridged version of the schedule is included below. OBS-START OBSID EXP PI TARGET 19:13 July 14, 2003 04075 20.0 KRAEMER MRK 1066 01:21 July 15, 2003 03567 55.0 Canizares MARKARIAN 290 17:08 July 15, 2003 03854 20.0 Sanwal PSR J1913+1011 23:11 July 15, 2003 04441 60.9 Canizares MARKARIAN 290 11:37 July 17, 2003 04442 50.0 Canizares MARKARIAN 290 01:59 July 18, 2003 03974 68.0 Sambruna 1150+495 21:51 July 18, 2003 03776 12.0 Starrfield V4743 Sgr 02:10 July 19, 2003 03944 19.4 WILLIGER CLUS 214228-442029