(fwd) MisV1181 (possible nova in 2001) 以下の新星の可能性のある天体(2001)が MISAO project で報告されています。 かなり深く写っている写真が必要かも知れませんが、特に当時撮影・撮像されて いた方はおられませんでしょうか。 Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 04:35:49 -0600 From: Seiichi Yoshida <comet@aerith.net> Subject: [vsnet-chat 5603] MisV1181 = Possible Nova or New Transient Object in 2001 Dear colleagues, New variable star discovery by the MISAO Project, MisV1181, is a possible nova or new transient object in 2001. Here is the information of MisV1181. MisV1181 R.A. 22h58m09s.12 Decl. +66o21'12".4 (2000.0) Mag. 12.6-20.6C Type N? http://vsnet.aerith.net/misao/data/MisV/MisV1181.gif John Greaves pointed out that this is a possible cataclysmic variable. Here are the John's reports: 1. Nothing appears at this position, nor within ~20 arcsecs, in any of the GSC2.2, USNO A2.0 or USNO B1.0. 2. Examination of archival survey images sourced via the USNO Flagstaff Station Finder Chart Service at: http://vsnet.nofs.navy.mil/data/FchPix/cfra.html shows no star to plate limit at this position. 3. IRAS 22562+6606 lies approximately 1' North of this position, but neither the R nor N archival plates reveal anything near MisV1181 to be visible, as would be expected from an object red enough to have been seen by IRAS. 4. A very preliminary quick look image on Oct 19th 2002, kindly provided by Arne Henden, revealed the object to be about V = 19, but accurate photometry was hampered by moon and cloud. We reported this discovery to IAUC as a possible nova or new transient object in 2001 as follows: Possible Nova or New Transient Object in 2001 John Greaves (the United Kingdom), Seiichi Yoshida (MISAO Project), Nobuo Ohkura (Okayama, Japan) and Ken-ichi Kadota (MISAO Project) discovered a possible nova or new transient object at R.A. = 22h58m09s.12, Decl. = +66o21'12".4 (equinox 2000.0), in the course of the Multitudinous Image-based Sky-survey and Accumulative Observations (MISAO) Project. It was 12.7 mag on Sept. 19.56 UT, 2001, and faded to 14.3 mag on Nov. 10.45, 2001, on unfiltered CCD images taken by Ohkura with 500-mm camera lens. Nothing appears at this position on any Palomar plates and Digitized Sky Survey images. Recent unfiltered CCD images taken by Toshikazu Muramatsu (Fukushima, Japan) on Oct. 25.51 UT, 2002, with 0.65-m f/7.1 Cassegrain reflector at Hoshinomura Observatory, also show it at about 20 mag, via comparison with R mag in USNO-A2.0. We request examination of archival images or photographs of this area in 2001 and 2002. Monitoring of this object would be also welcome. Best regards, -- Seiichi Yoshida comet@aerith.net http://vsnet.aerith.net/