おおるりさま。 命名文を入手しましたので送ります。 そう言えば変光星屋さん(あまりこういう分類は好きではないが)で小惑星に 名前のついた人って多くないですね。HasedaとかNarumiとか、あっても良さそ うなのに.... (40409) Taichikato = 1999 RS2 Discovered 1999 Sept. 6 by G. Masi at Ceccano. Taichi Kato (b. 1961) is an active researcher in astronomy at Kyoto University, mainly in the field of cataclysmic variables. He dedicates his efforts to the VSNET system, a network devoted to variable stars, which often succeeds in alerting observers about important phenomena. ---------------------------------------------------- 中村 彰正 (Akimasa Nakamura) a-nakamu@mx2.nisiq.net ----------------------------------------------------