Re: Nova candidate >180220.7 -251751 (2000.0) IRAS17592-2517 10.920 6.981 24.840L 440.400L 97% >180220.7 -251751 (2000.0) SSC17592-2517 10.920 6.981 24.840L 440.400L >180221.0 -251749 (2000.0) MSX5C_G005.0235-01.3649 -15 -8 7 8 6 6 V(%):-:-:2:5:3:3 Probable optical counterpart of this IR source is very dim even on DSS 2 red plate. It is marginally catalogued as: USNO_A2.0 18:02:20.746 -25:17:51.79 r=17.6 b=20.1 GSC_2.2 18:02:20.732 -25:17:50.99 r=17.93 If it is a true counterpart of the new object, the brightening in V well exceed 10 magnitude. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan