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[vsnet-j 1841] (fwd) Possible Nova in Oph Spectrophotometry (HadV105)

From: DWest61506@aol.com
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 10:49:57 EST
Subject: Possible Nova in Oph Spectrophotometry (HadV105)

On 1/26/02 12:52 UT three low-resolution spectra of the potential nova  in 
Oph were taken with a nonobjective slitless spectrometer.  Thin clouds were 
present and the sky was becoming light due to the approaching dawn.  The sky 
conditions and the relative faintness of the object (V=9.2) resulted in a low 
signal to noise ratio of ~3 for each spectrum. The spectrometer consists of a 
transmission grating, an 0.2 m SCT, and a SBIG ST-8 CCD camera.  The 
wavelength is calibrated relative to A type stars.  The standard deviation of 
wavelength measurement is approximately 25 Angstrom.  

All three spectra contained an emission peak at an average wavelength of 6598 
Angstrom.  This peak is within two standard deviations of the H alpha peak at 
6562.81 Angstrom.  From this measurement, I conclude that the new object in 
Oph does exhibit H alpha emission.

Doug West
Mulvane, KS, USA

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