(fwd) The Princeton Variability Survey Probably everyone on this list would be interested: \\ Paper: astro-ph/0201394 From: Cullen Blake <cblake@astro.princeton.edu> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:00:12 GMT (60kb) Title: The Princeton Variability Survey Authors: Cullen Blake Comments: 19 pages with 5 figures, latex, to be submitted to PASP \\ The Princeton Variability Survey (PVS) is a robotic survey which makes use of readily available, ``off-the-shelf'' type hardware products, in conjunction with a powerful set of commercial software products, in order to monitor and discover variable objects in the night sky. The main goal of the PVS has been to devise an automated telescope and data reduction system, requiring only moderate technical and financial resources to assemble, which may be easily replicated by the dedicated amateur, a student group, or a professional and used to study and discover a variety of variable objects, such as stars. This paper describes the hardware and software components of the PVS device, as well as observational results from the initial season of the PVS, including the discovery of a new bright variable star. \\ ( http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0201394 , 60kb)