Recurrent outburst of IM Nor? W. Liller reports: Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 19:11:31 -0500 From: "W.Liller" <> Subject: Recurrent nova? Hola Everyone, On a total of five photographs (85mm f/1.4 lens, Tech Pan film, orange filter) taken between Jan. 10.3432 and Jan 10.3595, a star, apparently the old nova IM Normae, was found at red magnitude 8.3. It was subsequently found at approximate magnitude 8.5 at the very edge of another pair of photographs taken on Jan. 3.3479 and Jan. 3.3493. Nothing was visible at the position of the star on Oct. 13 down to magnitude 11.5. IM Nor was originally discovered by I.E. Woods at 9th magnitude on a blue-sensitive plate taken on July 7, 1920. J.L. Elliot and W. Liller later suggested that it was an X-ray source (ApJ 175, L69, 1972), and determined its light curve from old Harvard plates. No other outbursts were found. Note that there has never been any spectroscopic verification. Because the star is an early morning object, it is can be followed -- and should be folllowed -- for much of the year. Its position is (2000) R.A. 15h 39m 29.9s, Dec. -52d 19' 20". I will try to get an accurate position and a low-resolution sprectrum tonight although I see that there is a fog bank on the western horizon. All the best to all, Bill Liller