以下の報告を受け取りました。彗星の話ですが、関心をお持ちの方も多いと思い ますので転送します。 --- From: "Tom & Lou Krajci" <krajcit@3lefties.com> Subject: Comet C2000WM1 - unusual structures present? Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 19:55:49 -0700 I have posted updates from 48 hours later (19-20 Nov). Comet features appear to be changing..but I'm still trying to determine if these are processing artifacts or real structures. See: http://members.3lefties.com/krajcit/ specifically http://members.3lefties.com/krajcit/C2000WM1.htm When others image the comet at a similar image scale...do they get similar results with rank processing and local adaptive sharpening? Is the Larson-Sekanina processing algorithm the only way to enhance detail in a comet? Am I using bad techniques? (I have applied local adaptive sharpening and rank processing to some of my star images of similar brightness as the nucleus...and don't get these artifacts...only the 'black donut' effect from aggressive image processing.) Thanks in advance, Tom Krajci