NY Vir Name List 見ている時は気付かなかったのですが、観測したらむちゃ面白そうな 食連星です。 Paper: astro-ph/0111256 From: Mike Reed <mdr131f@smsu.edu> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 00:43:13 GMT (129kb) Title: Identifying modes in a pulsating sdB (EC14026) star Authors: M.D. Reed, Whole Earth Telescope Xcov 17 team, Whole Earth Telescope Xcov 21 team Comments: To appear in IAU 185 proceedings: "Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics." \\ We present a preliminary analysis of time series photometry on the pulsating subdwarf B star PG1336-018 acquired as part of two Whole Earth Telescope runs. PG1336-018 is a multi-mode pulsator with at least 15 periods centered around 175 seconds. It is also an HW~Vir-type eclipsing binary with a period of 2.4 hours. Though over 20 pulsating subdwarf B stars have been discovered, only a few have resolved temporal spectra and still fewer have identified pulsation modes. We analyze features unique to the eclipsing binary system of PG1336-018 as a means of identifying pulsation modes. \\ ( http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0111256 , 129kb) --- で、周期 2.4時間で 0.9等の食があり(眼視でも消えるように見えるだろうなぁ)、 しかも 175s の脈動がある、という天体。 GSC4966.491 133848.15 -020149.4 (2000.0) 13.17 0 USNO0825.08090837 133848.146 -020149.14 (2000.0) 13.3 14.3 133847.8 -020146 (2000.0) PG1336-018 12.86 sdB 133847.9 -020159 (2000.0) SDB(Buscombe) V=13.45 B-V=-.21 - 133848.1 -020148 (2000.0) VIRNY EA+RPHS 13.30 14.22 V - - -