Re: 1RXS J232953.9+062814 IAUC 7747 に出ました(むちゃ早かったです) IAUC そのものを転載するのはあまりよろしくないかも知れませんので、投稿時 のものを紹介します。IAUCのページでは明日あたりに公開されるのではないかと 思います。 1RXS J232953.9+062814 M. Uemura, R. Ishioka, and T. Kato, Kyoto University; P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany; H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University; D. Starkey, Auburn, USA, T. Vanmunster, Center for Backyard Astrophysics (Belgium); and J. Pietz, Erftstadt, Germany, on behalf of VSNET collaboration team, write: "On November 3.926 (UT), P. Schmeer detected an outburst (12.5mag) of 1RXS J232953.9+062814 which had been classified as a dwarf nova (Jingyao, H. et al., 1998, Ann. Shanghai Obs., Acad. Sin., 19, 235). Our CCD photometry on November 4.47 - 6.17 revealed superhumps with amplitudes of 0.2 - 0.3mag and a period of 0.046311(12) d, indicating that this object is a new member of SU UMa-type dwarf novae. This short superhump period means that the orbital period of this object is certainly below the "period minimum" of hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables (~1.3 hr). According to Jingyao et al. (1998), the quiescent spectrum was dominated by Balmer emission lines, which indicates that this object is not an AM CVn star, but a hydrogen-rich system. Except for this object, we know only one source, V485 Cen in this class (IAUC 6666). Comparing our CCD images with DSS 1st and 2nd generation images, this object shows noticeable (up to 0".1/yr) proper motion. In conjunction with its relatively bright magnitude, it indicates the small distance of this object. This object is thus one of the most important systems to study the evolutionary scenario of cataclysmic variables. Follow-up observations are strongly encouraged.