NGC 3953 possible SN spectroscopy (Bisei observatory) Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 05:46:30 +0900 (jst) From: AYANI Kazuya <> Dear observers, We obtained spectra (400-800 nm) of possible supernova in NGC 3953 on Aug. 15.5 UT with the 1.01-m telescope of Bisei Astronomical Observatory. They resembles that of SN 1994D (Type Ia) one month after maximum. Averaged spectra can be found at Observers: K. Ayani, T. Kawabata, M. Ioroi (Bisei Astronomical Observatory) O. Ohshima (Kamogata Senior High School) and participants of Summer School 2001 at Bisei Astronomical Observatory Best regards, Kazuya Ayani Bisei Astronomical Observatory