V2274 Cyg sequence and chart Henden & Sumner の比較星光度が発表されましたので、観測にはこれをお使い ください。 Subject: [vsnet-alert 6089] New charts of V2274 Cyg (Nova 2001) We have placed a 15 x 15' chart of V2274 Cygni (Nova 2001) at the following URL: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/vs-charts/NOVACYG1.htm Comparison stars with B-V<1.2 down to magnitude 16.7 were selected by Bruce Sumner from single night photometry by Henden. The brighter comparisons are basically the same as those given on a preliminary chart published by the AAVSO. A 1.0x1.0 degree finder chart is available at the following URL: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/vs-charts/NOVACYG.htm Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reinder J. Bouma e-mail (1): rjbouma@wxs.nl or rjbouma@planet.nl Bekemaheerd 77 e-mail (2): comets.nl@12move.nl 9737PR Groningen homepage: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/ The Netherlands phone: +31 (0)50-5418227 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [vsnet-sequence 86] V2274 Cyg charts Henden/Sumner sequence charts for V2274 Cyg may be found at http://joevp.20m.com/cgi-bin/i/charts/hscharts/South_up/Cyg_V2274_sxn.gif and for mirror reversed SCTs at http://joevp.20m.com/cgi-bin/i/charts/hscharts/Reversed/Cyg_V2274_Rsxn.gif We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. Henden and Bruce Sumner for this timely information. Mike Simonsen Joe Van Poucker AAVSO WAS-VSO http://home.earthlink.net/~joevp/index.html