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[vsnet-chat 6944] GH Lac

Dear all,This is Nagai.

Mr. Nakajima(Njh) observed GH Lac.
This star is written the EA type in GCVS.
However, this is EB type.

Light curve is here. http://member.nifty.ne.jp/nga_star/gh_lac.jpg

                   === the Light curve of GH Lac ===
13 +                                                                       
   +*                  ***   *                 *  * * *                  **
   |***            ********** ****        ***************            ******
   |****         *********  ** ******* *******************         ********
   | ****       *****           ************         * ****       *****    
   |  ****      ***                 ***                 ****      ***      
14 +    ***    **                                         ***    **        
   |     **    **                                          **    **        
   |     *** ***                                           *** ***         
   |     *** **                                            *** **          
   |      *****                                             *****          
   +      ****                                              ****           
   |       **                                                **            
15 +                                                                       
  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  0.0   0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9

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