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[vsnet-chat 6923] Before a worse damage is done

>    This message is to inform Samus' decision.  It would be obvious to
> readers what scientific merits and demerits are being weighed by the
> GCVS team.  I will simply keep faithful to science and readers' wish.
> Regards,
> Taichi Kato

Dear Taichi,

Although I generally agree with most of the comments in your messages, I
don't think this thread is going anywhere. Anywhere good....
I have been always a critic. I have discussed a lot of topics here through
vsnet, because I think it is the best way of exchanging opinions and
information I've found.
The real time feedback is what I like the most. I prefer this way rather
than just reporting data or "send and wait". But those are just choices.
The last couple of weeks, too much criticism is travelling along your
words... Noone has escaped alive and I don't think this is sound.
I agree with you in the Toni issue because he has been told to do it
differently thousands of times in the past, but, on the other hand, there
are a lot of people working and sharing things here that don't need to be
treated as if they don't know what they are doing.
Doug West's novae list has been an interesting way of making a review of the
recent novae for a lot of us.
He wasn't planning to write a paper about that! ;-)). He just did a
compilation. It's fun and several of us participated. If there are mistakes,
there are people here that can correct them and we all learn.
I am making a compilation too. It is a new catalogue containing several
corrections and upgrades to the official data. I wouldn't like my work to be
taken as a "waste of time". Someone will use it.

All we do are not just numbers.
Doug deserves more respect.
So does Samus ans the GCVS team.
We can disagree with them. We may want things to be done differently and
make critics but respectfully.
The latest e-mails have been very awful.
I can even say I agree with you again in most of your considerations, but
what was the need of this public battle?

The worse consequence of this, is that this battle might generate a future
lack of information circulating through the vsnet-lists.
Lack of confidence in vsnet lists and their administrator.
People will think twice before sending something to vsnet. What once was a
great channel of communication might be severely injured.

Again, I can agree with you in your comments, but Nikolai, Doug, Arne, all
of us, deserve a little more respect than what your latest e-mails have been

I don't mean to start a discussion with you because I consider you a very
worth sicentific and person. Please, take this as a comment from a person
that always agreed with you but this time felt something wasn't right. It
all seems to be out of hand so please, calm down and continue to discuss
things that make us grow and learn.
We make choices on how to do what we do. We also choose who we do it with.
But be kind within ourselves.
I think if I -that am always criticizing and discussing- ;-)))- felt this
ugly taste in all the recent messages, there must be more people thinking
this way.

So please, reconsider and go back to work.
We need ourselves. We need vsnet as much as vsnet needs the observers, the
GCVS team, the other organizations. I chose vsnet because it fills my needs.
Sometimes I get tough criticizing other organizations or things that are
made in a way I don't consider proper, but we all make up a community and
there needs to be a place for everyone.
Of course, don't shout our mouths when we see somthing is not right. But
don't start a discussion throwing a kick in the face as a presentation!

And if we want to polemize, please keep respect in mind and go ahead, it's a
good thing!! Only that it has ben systematically used during the last days.
Too much.


PS:  Give that damned thing a name please and get over it. There is no
reasoning that leads to it not having a GCVS designation!

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