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[vsnet-chat 6884] Re: [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 428] Re: clarifications

Hi all,

V838 Mon is indeed an interesting object.  What are the main arguments 
against it
being a "born-again" type, or like star (e.g. V434 Sgr or V605 Aql)?
V838 Mon has a light curve that sure looks a lot like our "born-again", 

Tim Lawlor

At 06:16 PM 9/23/2003 +1000, Alon Retter wrote:
>Dear Ulisse,
>Thank you for the clarifications. I agree with you that the distance is
>still badly constrained and further work still needs to be done, but I
>think that it is likely above ~8 Kpc. The B star may well be a background
>star, but it is still not a problem for our model as planets have been
>observed in binary systems.
>What do you think about our suggestion that the eruption of V838 Mon was
>caused by an expanding giant that swallowed of 3 planets?
>Dr. Alon Retter          Tel. (work)     +61-2-9351-4058
>School of Physics        Fax  (work)     +61-2-9351-7726
>University of Sydney     -------------------------------------------
>Sydney, 2006             "As a scientist I don't believe myself, so
>Australia                why should I believe you?" (A.R. 1965-2085)
>On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Ulisse Munari wrote:
> > the picture is far more complex than the below two mails could suggest.
> > Furthermore, some published work is wrongly cited/interpreted.
> >
> > 1. we never claim (A&A Lett 389, L51) there was an F-type star in V838 Mon
> >    prior to its explosion, only that its combined optical-IR colors
> >    resembled those of a F0 star *IF* the extinction is E(B-V)=0.5 and *IF*
> >    the extinction law is the one valid for the diffuse interstellar medium
> >    (the one characterized by R_V = 3.1). The distance to the star plays no
> >    role here. The F0 colors pertained to the combined light of the
> >    components of the binary system.
> >
> > 2. the distance of 790 pc has been direved under the assumption of a
> >    flat scattering disk seen pole-on and cetered on the star. Other
> >    assumptions (flat slab of interstellar material, sferically symmetric
> >    circumstellar material centered on the star) have lead to different
> >    published distances, 1.8, 3.5, >6 kpc. Coming announced astro-ph
> >    entries should deal with even more complex scattering dust geometries.
> >
> > 3. polarimetry suggests a distance not exceeding a few kpc.
> >
> > 4. there is a B3V star still sthere, and its spectrophotometric parallax
> >    is 10.5 kpc (IAUC 8005) if the calibration for nearby B3V stars holds
> >    for B3V stars at the edge of the galactic thin disk, where the
> >    metallicity is -0.5 dex lower than in the solar neighborhood. And if
> >    the B3V star in V838 Mon is a genuine B3V star and if the reddening
> >    is is E(B-V)=0.5 and if the extinction follow the stardard R_V = 3.1
> >    law.
> >
> > Ulisse Munari, Padova and Asiago Observatories

Timothy M. Lawlor, Assistant Professor
and Director, Friedman Observatory
Department of Physics
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Lehman, Pa 18627
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