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[vsnet-chat 6868] Re: Discovering novae

Brian Skiff wrote:

     Luckily for all of us, in 150 years no one will give a damn _who_,
only that is _was_ discovered.  In the grand scheme of things, these
are quite trivial discoveries, though they may fuel your activity in
this direction on a nightly basis.  But the sooner you grasp the
"big picture", the sooner your nerves (and inflated egos) will calm down.

Thank you for stepping in to calm things down. I apologize to the list. My ego wasn't the motivation though. I truly believed that I was being accused of being dishonest and I was just trying to clear my name. Nevertheless it rapidly escalated to a silly level.

The additional images that were requested will soon be on the web page. The delay was caused by the fact that some of them were taken in unbinned mode and my software doesn't display the zoom window properly in that mode. I just have to do a little programming to fix the problem before I can put them up.


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