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[vsnet-chat 6833] Classical Galactic Novae (2nd Update)

I have attempted to incorporate everyone's corrections into the list.  Anyone see any problems?  I also looked through several IAUC's to make corrections.
Doug West

Novae/Year RA/Dec (J2000) Discoverer,Country

V4444 Sgr 1999 18h07.6 -27d20'13" Kushida/Yamamoto, Japan
V382 Vel 1999 10h44.8 -52d25'30" Williams, Australia; Gilmore, New Zealand
V1493 Aql 1999 19h07.6 +12d31'26" A.Tago, Japan
DD Cir 1999 14h23.4 -69d08'45" W.Liller,Chile
V1494 Aql 1999 19h23.0 +04d57.4' A.Pereira,Portugal
V4642 Sgr 2000 17h55m  -19d46.0' Y.Sakurai, Japan
V463 Sct 2000 18h34m03.2s +14d45'11.5" K.Haseda, Japan
V445 Pup 2000* 07h37.9 -25d56.9' K.Kanatsu, Japan
V4643 Sgr 2001 17h54.7 -26d14'15" W.Liller, Chile
V1548 Aql 2001 19h07m28.4s +11d44'46" M.Collins, United Kingdom
V1178 Sco 2001 17h57.1 -32d23'05" K.Haseda, Japan
V2274 Cyg 2001 21h03.0 +48d43'52" A.Tago, Japan
V2275 Cyg 2001 21h03.0 +48d45'53" A.Tago, Japan
V4739 Sgr 2001 18h24.7 -30d00'41" A.Pereira, Portugal
V4740 Sgr 2001 18h12.1 -30d28.4' A.Pereira, Portugal
V1039 Cen 2001  13h55m41.9s -64d15'48"          W. Liller, Chile
V838 Mon 2002* 07h44.0 -03d50'51" N.J.Brown, Austrailia
V709 Cep 2002?  22h58m09.1s +66d21'12.4" S. Yoshida & K. Kadota, Japan; J. Greaves, UK
V2540 Oph 2002 17h37.3 -16d23'23" Haseda-Nakumura, Japan
V4741 Sgr 2002 17h59.9 -30d53'20" W.Liller, Chile
V4742 Sgr 2002 18h02.3 -25d20'30" W.Liller, Chile
V4743 Sgr 2002 19h01.1 -22d00'05" K.Haseda, Japan
V4744 Sgr 2002 17h47.2 -23d28'23" V.Tabur, Australia
V4745 Sgr 2003 18h40.0 -33d26'55" N.J. Brown, Austrailia; M. Yamamoto, Japan
V2573 Oph 2003 17h19.2 -27d22'35" A. Takao, Japan
Nova Crux 2003? 12h23.2 -60d22'34" V. Tabur, Australia
V475 Sct 2003 18h49m37.60s -09d33'50.8" H. Nishimura, Japan

* not a classical nova
? still listed as a possible nova on Sept 14, 2003

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