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[vsnet-chat 6619] Re: vsnet-obs 45730 Confusion SS UMI

Re: vsnet-obs 45730 Confusion SS UMI

> Telescope 20cm+CCDST9E   unfiltered CCD observations calibrated
>  on V-magnitude sequence(=CV),
> Chart AAVSO sequence V

   This description seems to explain my long-lasting question why people
want to use "CV" (unfiltered CCD observations calibrated on V-magnitude
scale), rather than to choose the best matching system.  Is the AAVSO
recommending to use visual charts for unfiltered CCD works?
Are these "V-band" comparison stars carefully chosen to produce adequate
results even if they are used in unfiltered CCD works?

   As I stated earlier, the application of "CV" system (not cataclysmic
variable ;-) is limited.  See:


   In heavily reddend regions, this application is mostly useless,
unless there is fortunate presence of an unreddened blue star which
can be used as a comparison star.  In most other cases, "CV" magnitudes
would give systematically fainter magnitudes -- this sometimes gives
an illusory impression that "my system can go as faint as xx.x mag".
If one would apply this "experimental" limiting magnitude to deduce
upper limits of other objects (e.g. supernovae), this would even
yield a wrong result.  I have seen suspicious cases in several past
occasions, and they could have been a result of such (wrong) application.

Taichi Kato

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