(fwd) A flaring Mira? - U UMi From John Greaves: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:07:34 +0000 Well, I've noticed something by happenstance whilst going through a few moderately recent IBVSs. http://vsnet.konkoly.hu/cgi-bin/IBVS?5418 which is by a fellah whom I think Ondrej mentioned, and is a set of V filter observations of the 'late' M (M6e-M8e) Mira star U UMi. If you look at figure 1 of that paper at around ~ JD 2451850, you'll see what appears to be a 'flaring' event of about .3 mags or so, prior to a maximum. There's a link to the datafile in the paper, so if people who observe U UMi wanted to go through their records and compare their observations for around this time (including either side of the 'event') with the data to see if they can find any evidence confirming this event, they can do so. Equally, contradictory observations can be just as meaningful, as the apparent flare appears to be large enough to be discernable visually, though mixing and matching data from a pooled database of different observers will probably not be uniform enough for any certain conclusions. Note that although this graph represents V filtered work fastidiously done (in that the rest of the light curve is quite tight), the event is still not proven until independent confirmation can be found. But anyone wanting to monitor a handful of Miras for flaring could do well to add U UMi to their list. Cheers John John Greaves
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