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[vsnet-chat 6406] More and more and more ....errors in the newly released AAVSO charts for eta Carinae

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy Axelsen" <raxelsen@bigpond.net.au>
To: "'Sebastian Otero'" <varsao@fullzero.com.ar>;
<vsnet-chat@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; "'Alexandre Amorim'"
Cc: <vsnet-campaign-sdor@ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; "'AAVSO
DISCUSSION'" <aavso-discussion@informer2.cis.McMaster.CA>
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 8:39 PM
Subject: RE: [AAVSO-DIS] Errors in the newly released AAVSO charts for eta

> I cannot see that what is described for the (a) scale AAVSO Eta Car
> chart is erroneous. The label "59" seems to me to refer to T (CST), not
> to AG, which is separately identified to the NE of T.

Of course, the chart has been corrected yesterday...

> I agree, however, that there are errors in star identification in the
> (b) scale chart.

Yes, but this is a different error than the error from two days ago.....
Incredibly, now that AG Carinae has been marked on the charts and the
positions of T Car have been changed, this star and AG Carinae are wrongly
identified again!!!!
In the first release, T Carinae was identified with the 8.68 magnitude star
HD 94664.
Now, T Carinae is marked as the 593 star, yes...... BUT ITS POSITION IS THE
Only that the dot size for HD 94664 has been expanded to that of a 5.9
magnitude star!!!
And this is the worst part of this new amazing tail: the real T Carinae has
been labeled as......... AG Carinae!!!!! and its dot size has shrunk to the
size of a 8.7 magnitude star !!!!!
So, this is getting worse every day....
AG Car is the bright star to the NE

As I said:

> Please, keep trying, maybe next time you can spot one or two stars
> correctly......

Keep trying! Move everything a little bit more to the NE please !!!

Oh, some more interesting stuff:
In the "a" chart, there is another misidentified star: the "63" comparison
at the W of S Car is actually V= 7.05 (HD 86675). I am sure you wanted to
plot the 6.14 star HD 87543 instead....


PS: the Hp=V confussion is still there, as well as the variable comparison
star for CCD work.

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