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[vsnet-chat 6341] (fwd) Group "Betelgeuse" is fifteen! (variable stars)

   Forwarded message from Bryukhanov:

From: <betelgeize_astro@mail.ru>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 11:48:27 +0400
Subject: Group "Betelgeuse" is fifteen! (variable stars)

See, please, attachment.

				Ivan S. Bryukhanov

Group "Betelgeuse" is fifteen!

Looking back we recollect our big passion in the beginning of cooperation and
accumulation of materials of observations!

Group "Betelgeuse" has been organized in December, 1985 in "hot" days of
observations of Halley's Comet. In the beginning there were three amateurs of
astronomy in it: coordinator Ivan Brukhanov and observers Alexander Nahajko and
Angela Zlebova. The coordinator of group Ivan Brukhanov since 1984 cooperates
with scientists of State Astronomical Institute in Moscow, and since 1987 - with
scientists of the Odessa observatory. Till 1989 observers of group "Betelgeuse"
cooperated with active workers of association "Quasar" Jury Gorjachko,
Konstantin Morozov, etc. At this time in group "Betelgeuse" has appeared new
active observer of variable stars and meteors Ivan Sergey.

The first expedition of group "Betelgeuse" (Ivan Brukhanov and Alexander
Nahajko) to the Odessa observatory in June - July, 1989 has brought excellent
results: research of 9 variables in Bootes and Corona Borealis constellations;
new acquaintances to scientists of Odessa; new acquaintances to active observers
of variable stars of the former USSR. The structure of group "Betelgeuse"
included Vladimir Schukin, Igor Klochko, Valery Grigorenko, Vyacheslav Mamedov,
Vladimir Zhukov, Sergey Faletsky, Romanian observer Kosa-Kiss Attila and others.
At the end of 1989 the number of observers of variable stars has increased up to
14 persons.

Crisis and disintegration of the USSR in first half of 90th has led to to sharp
reduction of number of observers of group "Betelgeuse". There was only a few
person from Romania up to last advanced post in Anadyr: everyone has been
practically given to himself. In the middle of 90th group "Betelgeuse" began to
replenish basically with beginning Belarus observers, basically with Vitaly
Nevsky's and Igor Baljuk's pupils. My pupils and some observers of group
"Betelgeuse" actively cooperate in the field of observation of comets with
Vitaly Nevsky and with the coordinator of comets observations Sergey Shurpakov.

In 1994 cooperation with the coordinator of association "Quasar" Jury Gorjachko
has renewed in the field of joint supervision of meteoric stream Perseids.

In 1996 the active observer of group "Betelgeuse" Ivan Sergey organizes
association BNOM (the Belarus network of observers of meteors) among the Belarus
observers. As in 1997 Ivan Sergey the first has left in International Meteor
Organization and his German heads have appointed him to be the coordinator on
observations of meteors in Byelorussia. In 1998 among observers of group
"Betelgeuse" Ivan Brukhanov has offered a new direction: patrol of a meteoric
background for detection of new meteoric radiants of unknown streams under the
observant program "RADIANT". The coordinator of observations of meteors
recognizes Ivan Sergey as the most skilled, having scientific communications
with IMO observer of meteors in Belarus and the founder of association BNOM

Joint regular observations of variable stars always were a basis of work and
cooperation in group "Betelgeuse" till 1998, and since 1996 - observations of
meteors in BNOM. In a direction of observations of variable stars base of work
of group "Betelgeuse" is the Minsk Amateur Patrol Photograph Collection created
by Ivan Brukhanov (MAPPC since 1985 to this day - photopatrol of variable stars
in 59 sky regions, and also photopatrol of a disk of the Moon (a Maksutov
telescope "Intes-6別" 150/1500) with the purpose of fixing the short-term and
non-stationary phenomena) which volume has reached in December, 2000 of 14500
negatives. Except Ivan Brukhanov Igor Baljuk (Gomel) took part in creation of
MAPPC. Since 1993 scientists of the Odessa observatory, and since 1998 - of the
Pulkovo observatory have become interested in this huge file of regular

Ivan Brukhanov since 1978 carries out patrol of a disk of the Moon with the
purpose of detection of the short-term and non-stationary phenomena, and since
1993 - photopatrol of a disk of the Moon in a telescope "Intes-6別" (using a
film "Mikrat-200", "Mikrat-300", "Mikrat-Ortohrom"). Since 1994 contacts with
observers Eugeny Arsjuhin, Vladimir Leushkanov, Nikolay Kuleshov have been
established. Alexey Viktorovich Arhipov - the radioastronomer of the Kharkov
observatory (rai@ira.kharkov.ua) is interested in this work also. Unfortunately
in this direction there are not enough observers - former structure, except for
Alexey Arhipov and Ivan Brukhanov, has stopped patrol of a disk of the Moon.
Sergey Shurpakov ("DEEP SKY and COMET", shurpakov@tut.by), the Belarus
coordinator on comets, also desired to begin patrol and to participate in joint
observations of the Moon, using the television CCD-chamber.

So, I invite to cooperation in patrol of variable stars and short-term and
non-stationary lunar phenomena. Our joint observations will be printed in
prestigious magazines on variable stars. My address: 220033, BELARUS, Minsk,
Sudmalisa street, 16-27. E-MAIL: betelgeize_astro@mail.ru. Specificity of
observations and the reporting I discuss with everyone individually.

The coordinator of group "Betelgeuse", the head of astronomical circles In Minsk
(the Republic Center of Technical Creativity of Pupils ) and in Mar'yina Gorka
(school #2 & 3).

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